day 13 - updating

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So I seemed to have lost a follower overnight, but at this point I didn't really care because I had hit my 100 follower target! Now, if I'm completely honest with you, my view on followers is a little different than this book makes it out to be. I only set myself that goal because people are always asking me how to get more followers, but to be honest I'm more inclined to wait for people to follow me and I follow them back, or just to follow people I enjoy, than try and get large amounts of followers.

So from now on, now that I had hit my target, I told myself I wouldn't be doing anymore mass following!

I woke up on day 13 to see that I had 446 reads, which was pretty good in my books. I still couldn't get over the fact that I had updated a chapter every day now for the past two weeks. For me, that was insane behaviour. My updating is usually shockingly bad, so to do this everyday was a push. But a push that had paid off as I had nearly reached my halfway target for reads before even halfway through the challenge.

Statistics at the end of day thirteen:

491 reads


Lesson learnt: The only way to succeed is to push yourself.

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