Aviana has been staying with Betty for the past few days. Home life had been crazy from the Serpents to her brother being constantly busy with who knows what.
Betty has offered her a place to stay and asking her to help get some kind of information of G&G out of Mrs Cooper.
The three sat on the Cooper table. Betty and Aviana has brought Mrs Cooper evidence about Griffins and Gargoyles during Alices teenage years.
"You've clearly play G&G before and now we have concrete evidence that when you were my age there was another suspicious death that maybe a murder that took place at Riverdale High where the corpse had blue lips!" Exclaimed Betty.
"We can keep digging Mrs Cooperor you can just tell us what you know about G&G," said Aviana
"Wait really?" Asked Betty.
"Your right Aviana, Betty you both deserve to know the whole truth if for no other reason but your protection,"
(Aviana is Gladys)
It was our junior year, phones had cords, when Ona had joney (I don't know what she said here) and everything smelt like teen spirit. The world was a very different place and we were very different people. Back then I was Alice Smith, a bad Girl from the wrong side of the tracks with enviable hair only real friend was Gladys Jackson and with one huge problem
Gladys waited for Alice outside of the bathroom stall as Alice prayed for her life as she took a pregnancy test.
"Please, no, please, no," whispered Alice.
Gladys felt for her friend but if she was pregnant with FPs child, her chance was ruined.
Walking over to the sink where Sierra and Hermonie stood she bent down to wash her hands when Hermonie who sticks her catholic nose into everyone's business bombared Alice.
"God mind your own business Hermonie shouldn't you be in a church," growled Alice
"Oh crap girl are you?"
Alice stormed from the stall over to her friend and passing her the test.
It was positive. Anything Gladys think she saw with FP was gone.
"It's probably a false positive it happens all the time,"
"Like 3 percent of the time," spoke Sierra
"No ones talking to you Sierra," said Hermonie
"What am I going to do?," spoke Alice looking at Gladys and then to the other two "i tried talking to him but he blew me off for some vixen he's screwing,"
That Vixen was Gladys.
"Classic FP Jones," Alice carried on.
FP Jones," exclaimed the others, surprised.
The door to the ladies bathroom burst open and in walked Penelope.
"Well well Well I thought I heard a party in here. Hall passes ladies," she said opening her hand.
Gladys huffed, rolling her eyes.
"Careful Gladys if you roll your eyes any more they might fall out," said Penelope
"What's up your ass Penelope?" Asked Alice
"Classy as always Alice Smith. Just curious were you born with that mouth or is it something Southside mother's teach their bastard babies?" Smiled Penelope.
Gladys was all ready to punch the Blossom girl but she didn't need to when Alice places a hard, solid slap on the gingers face.
Shocked, Hermonie and Sierra stepped back while Gladys stood still ready to back Alice up.

FanfictionAfter Archie's arrest and Labour Day Weekend, Aviana, the Gang and the Serpents face conflict with each other and individually. The rocky ride of Aviana and Sweet Pea's relationship gets even rockier as they battle out the forever existing Southside...