After Archie's arrest and Labour Day Weekend, Aviana, the Gang and the Serpents face conflict with each other and individually.
The rocky ride of Aviana and Sweet Pea's relationship gets even rockier as they battle out the forever existing Southside...
Penelope stood from her seat. It was Daryl Doiley. We were both game masters and he was secretly in love with me he put poison in the Chalice because he wanted us to ascend together but I said no. I assumed the chalices were emptied afterwards but they were not. Years later Daryl came to me riddles with guilt over the tragic accident, and seeking comfort and I refused him again. We were both married with families and I was afraid you see of revisiting that unholy night. So he left, the next day he was found dead in his garage sitting in his sedan engine running and the windows up,"
"Dilton Dolieys dead dad did it?" Asked Aviana
"Well that explains how Dilton got his hands on the game, and why he started playing"
"No but that doesn't explain who the Gargoyle King is today, Jughead and I saw him!" Said Betty
"What do you mean you saw him?" Asked FP
"In Fox Forest! We've tried tracking him down ever since,"
"Why do you think Jughead started playing the game Dad?"
"He's not still playing is he?
"He is and he won't listen to me Dad!" Exclaimed Aviana.
"He's made some really weird connections between the game and Riverdale,"
FP stood from his seat, "I've had enough of this, boys gonna be the death of me. Come on Avi,"
Aviana followed her father out of the building.
"What were you both thinking sending those invitations?" He Shouted
"Betty wanted answers so I helped her so I could stop Jughead from playing!"
"Are you playing?"
"Don't lie to me!"
"Dad I'm not! I move seen what it does to people! And anyways I'm not a game person," she shrugged
Her father laughed, "good now come on I'm gonna teach your brother a lesson,"
~~~ FP and Aviana arrived at their trailer after a long ride there.
Jughead ended the phone call when he realised they were there.
"You going somewhere boy?" Said FP "Yeah, I'm going to meet the Serpent,"
"Yeah like hell you are" FP grabbed Jughead wrist attaching handcuffs onto him and onto the fridge.
"What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?" Exclaimed Jughead
Aviana stood and watched. It hurt her too see two of the men in her life like this but it needed to be done.
"What I should have done the send I saw you playing. Your addicted. G&Gs like a dig it got into your blood,"
"I'm not addicted,"
"Yes you are Jughead! These crazy plans you make in your head. And I thought you were the smart one!" Said Aviana
Jughead ignored his sisters comment, "I just need to ascend so I can find the Gargoyle King and put an end to this,"
"Your right. You sound nothing like an addict. My mistake," he threw Jugheads phone across the table "it's time for you too sober up boy. For your own good,"
FP left leaving Aviana to stand watching her twin struggle at the handcuffs.
"You told him didn't you?" Asked Jughead
"Of course I did," she laughed "now your going to be here for a while on your own,"
"Where are you going? Betty told me about your plan you should be in as much trouble as I am?"
"Or really? Am I playing a game that kills people? No. And I'm leaving for while and you don't need to know,"
~~ Aviana pulled some of her clothes into a bag. She called Sweet Pea letting him know where she was going. He told her he'd meet her there tomorrow.
She hopped onto her bike, pulling her helmet and she was off.
~~~ Thanks for reading💕 You'll find out when the next episode releases where she's going. Because I couldn't put her in the next episode.😁 and Sweet Peas going with her! Can you guess where she's going?💕
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