After Archie's arrest and Labour Day Weekend, Aviana, the Gang and the Serpents face conflict with each other and individually.
The rocky ride of Aviana and Sweet Pea's relationship gets even rockier as they battle out the forever existing Southside...
The first lesson of the day. The Riverdale High Students were met by the face and voice of Sheriff Minetta.
"Archie is a murder and we know that he didn't escape on his own he had help. Hiding a convict and with holding information from the law is a felony offence. So whoever's aided and abetted Archie Andrews is just as much as a criminal as he is."
Sheriff Minetta stood in front of the classroom making eye contact with everyone single on of them.
"I was busy all day Sheriff. You can check my browser history, if you know what I mean" spoke Reggie
Aviana scoffed, kicking the back of his chair only to receive a mischievous grin from Reggie.
"I don't even know this Archie person," said Eveylyn Evernever "and on Monday's I hosts group for teen farmies, we are still accepting members,"
"No one asked for a Speech," spoke Aviana making Sweet Pea and Fangs chuckle.
"And you miss Jones?" Asked Sheriff Minetta
"Fixing my bike," she said laying back in her seat "I took it apart and re built it" she tapped her pencil against her desk smirking at the Sheriff.
"Where were you. Ms McCoy at the time of the breakout,"
Josie looked nervous as she peered up at the member of the law, "don't look at me sir I, uh, I, i was in the music room practicing,"
"I'll be looking into all of your alibis and if I found out later that someone here was involved , well you can say goodbye to this school, your hopes and dreams. Your music, your entire future. All of that goes away, just like that,"
Josie started to shake, hitting her head onto the desk and back up again. Her body flopped as Cheryl and Aviana held her up.
By lunch time, Betty has come up with a plan to get answers out of the midnight club.
"And we'll get them to meet at Veronica's speakeasy! Are you in?"
"Definitely" smiled Aviana.
The girls began working on letters to the Midnight Club from "The Gargoyle King'.
~~~ "Try this," said Sweet Pea, handing his girlfriend a can of beer.
Taking a sip, her face curled, handing him it back, "taste like moulding soap".
Taking a swig of her own drink, the two sat, their legs pressed against each other, eyes interlocking every so often.
"What do you wanna do?" Asked Sweet Pea "Stay here with you forever," she smiled pulling herself onto Sweet Pea smiling.
His hands moved down her sides keeping her warm, her hands lazily placed around his neck.
She pulled him closer, his lips touching hers as they moved closer together.
His kisses trailed down her neck as she threw her head back allowing him more room.
He stopped. She looked down pouting her bottom lip. He laughed holding her face.
"I love you," he said softly "I love you too Pea," she replied planting a soft kiss on his lips the Reston her head on hers.
~~~ Betty and Aviana walked into Pops and down into the Speakeasy.
The faint chatter from the parents could be heard at the top of the stairs but it once stopped when the girls feet coming down the stairs got louder.
The parents looked startled but the girls presents. Especially her fathers.
Elizabeth, Aviana don't tell me this is your doing," said Mrs Cooper
"We sent invitations from The Gargoyle King" said Aviana.
"What!" Said FP
"And look, you all came," said Betty
"What are you two up to?" Asked Mrs Cooper
"All of the secrets end now, Mrs Cooper, Dad and this was the only way to get you all together. Someone in this room is a murderer," spoke Aviana.
"Alice we promised each other we'd never talk about this. I mean who else did you tell?" Asked Hermonie
By the point FP and sat down with his face in his hands.
"I told Betty and Aviana to protect them so they wouldn't play the game,"
"And it worked. We aren't playing the game," said Betty
"Who's job was it to tel my daughter, Alice," growled FP
"Many of your kids are. This is about protecting them. Don't you care?" Asked Aviana
"Care? Josie has a seizure this morning I should be with her right now not here rehashing the past when it has zero relevance," said Mrs McCoy.
"Attorney McCoy it is relevant. Your daughter is playing the game along with Kevin and Cheryl. And even your son Reggie, Mr Mantle no matter how many black eyes oh give him," said Aviana
"I would never hit my son," Mr Mantle replied.
"Another lie," said Betty
"Guys it was bound to get out sometime. Our children need to know the truth. Betty where do we start?" Said Fred Andrews.
"With the dead warden from Archie's Juvie. He was also the PROTC instructor when you guys were in high school. Mr Keller you were a cadet then. Did you play the game with him?"
"Major Norton just confiscated a stray manual. That's all," replied Tom Keller.
"Mr Lodge you had business dealings with Warden Norton until he died. What were they? And did you know he was playing G&G?" Asked Aviana
"None of your business and not a clue,"
"And what about ascension night? Was he there?"
"How are we supposed to answer that Aviana? We were all high off our gourds hallucinating gargoyles," said her father.
"Wait FP you saw it too?" Asked Alice?
"Oh this is such a waste of our time. And I actually have a job that I need to get back too so if you'll excuse me," said Mr Lodge as he got out of his seat.
"No, Hiram. Lets just get this over with otherwise it will never end," said Hermonie "Betty you wanna know who pounded the chalice. The game master is the one who sets up the game. So my instinct is telling me that the culprit was Penelope Blossom. My guess is that she grew the poison in her greenhouse,"
"You don't grow cyanide, Hermonie" said Penelope
"A fact that only a Blossom would know,"
~~~ Thanks for reading💕 Hope you enjoyed that cute Sweavi segment 😁💕
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