After Archie's arrest and Labour Day Weekend, Aviana, the Gang and the Serpents face conflict with each other and individually.
The rocky ride of Aviana and Sweet Pea's relationship gets even rockier as they battle out the forever existing Southside...
Gladys watched as her eldest daughter helped out at the scrapyard.
"Breakfast is ready! JB!Avi!" She yelled.
The girls sat in the home of Gladys and JellyBean with breakfast on the table.
Aviana's phone started to vibrate as she shoved a piece of bacon into her mouth.
Sweet Pea? Are you here? No, look Aviana I can't come it's too busy here. With your brother gone I have to stay. Wait what where's Jughead gone?
She was now stood up tapping her boots on the floor. All she got was silence.
Don't go silent of me Sweet Pea. I won't hesitate to come back to Riverdale just to pull your vocal cords out! Okay okay, he left with Archie. He couldn't let him go alone. He's probably coming here then. Where Doesn't matter I'll see you when I get back Pea. Avi...
Before he could finish his sentence she ended the call.
"I think Jugheads coming," she said to her Mom. "Good," he mother beamed "I'll have all my baby's back,"
Later that day, Avianas suspicions were correct without a doubt Jughead and Archie showed up as Aviana was helping her mom with a car.
"Jughead?" Gladys Asked. "Hey Mom," Gladys pulled her son in hugging him tight, "jug,"
"Hey Archie," said Aviana "Hey Avi. You okay?" "Amazing," she smiled.
"You feel like a bag of tire irons. Are you eating?" complained Gladys Jughead rolled his eyes, "uh your not a vegetarian now are ya?"
"Definitely not mom, the guy eats like his life depends on it," Aviana laughed.
"You wound me mother, sister," he smiled
"I recognise that rooster top. Archie Andrews. Oh gosh you grew up. Oh so you two got together huh?"
Aviana burst out laughing, clutching her stomach.
"Uh, we're not together just on the road together," replied Jughead
"Like a bromance," said Archie
"Sure," smiled Gladys
Aviana wiped a tear away from her eye as her brother glared at her.
"I know you didn't come to Toledo for the weather what's going on? You should have called and told me you were coming,"
"Last time I called you, you said I couldn't come," said Jughead
"Aviana said the same thing look, that was a different time. Hey I got my GED now. Hmm? I startedthis whole place up. I am a legit business woman now," smiled Gladys at her three children and Archie.
"Hey, Gladys. Tail pipe just came in with these. Where do you want them?" The tall boy from the day before said.
"Yeah not right now LugNut. Oh hey, hold up get the crew together huh? Tell them my twins have come home and their best pal too. Tonight we are going to feast,"
~~~ Finally the fire was lit and the food was cooking, the Jones family and Archie sat around it.
"Hiram Lodge. That good looking short tack was always playing trouble but why go after Archie?" Asked Gladys
"Archie was the only one who stood up to him, defied him," said Aviana laying back in her chair.
"Not to mention I also date, I mean dated his daughter," said Archie
Gladys laughed.
"Dated as in, no longer dating? As in single?" Said Jellybean
"Relax JellyBean," said both Twins.
For some strange reason Aviana couldn't help feel some kind of jealously as her sister said that but she brushed it off.
"It's JB now, Kid Kerouacs," growled 'JB'
"Archie, have you spoken to your Dad through any of this?" Asked Gladys
"I wish. I wish I could see him. Tell him how I'm doing but it's too risky he'd drag me home by the collar. Riverdales not where I need to be,"
"Pigs ready!" Shouted LugNut Who Aviana had become very acquainted with.
"All right, you heard the guy. Archie go get yourself a hot meal. Cheeks the best part," she smiled.
Archie and JellyBean all leapt up to go get food while Jughead, Aviana and Gladys stayed behind.
"Alright so, tel me about this game thing that you and Archie are mixed up in," Asked Gladys "Griffins and Gargoyles, how involved are you in this?"
"Well it's more that just a game," said Jughead
"Oh here we go again," moaned Aviana.
"It has larger implications for Riverdale. I'm just trying to crack it, get underneath it, figure out who's behind all of this,"
"Hiram it sounds like," said Gladys "is he the one who gave you that scar on your arm and what looks like a bullet hole on your sisters shoulder?"
Aviana peered at her brother, "I got shot by a murderer called the Black Hood,"
"Oh I heard about that! Who was it?" "Hal Cooper," "Jeez poor Alice," Gladys scoffed.
"You saw them," said Jughead "Yeah there both bad,"
"Mine was uh... gift from a former Serpent. Penny Peabody,"
"Penny! That wench! She always had a beef abut your father and I. Now she does this? Cuts up my son? You know I never wanted this for you two. I mean you are Serpent King and Queen. I never wanted you in the damn gang!"
"Don't act all high and mighty," said Aviana. "I saw that kid earlier with those stereos. You claimed to have left Riverdale to get away from the Serpent life and here you are, chopping cars, lifting their parts and gods knows what else," said Jughead
Hey. So what? We jack a couple stereos here and there and we steal some hubcaps. I am feeding and taking care of these kids who have nowhere else to go. What am I supposed to do just leave them high and dry?"
"That's what you did to us. Isn't it?" Asked Aviana standing up.
"Where are you going?" Asked her mother "To bed," "You haven't even eaten," "I don't feel like it,"
As Aviana tried to sleep she couldn't get the thought of Sweet Pea out of her head.
There's other serpents there who could have taken care of duties. He knew how special this was but still ditched her.
What if he was cheating? No he wouldn't dare... or would he?
~~~ Thanks for reading 💕
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