Philospher stone

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November 6th 1991
(Draco's P.O.V)
A few days ago me, Ron, Harry and Hermione found the three headed dog and asked Hagrid about it which he gave information about Nicolas Flamel.

Now Me, Ron, Harry and Hermione are in the library looking for books about Flamel when Hermione comes with a Big book and thumbs it down on the table "How can I be so stupid I had you all looking in the wrong section, I look this book out months ago for a bit of light reading" Hermione says as she sits down and Ron Laughs "That's light reading" Hermione gives Ron the death stare.

"Here Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philospher Stone" "The what" Me Harry and Ron say "Honest don't you three read" Hermione rolls her eyes "The Ancient Study of Alchemy is concerned with making the Philospher Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers.The Stone will Transform any metal into pure Gold. It also produces the Elixir of life, which will make the drinker immortal" Hermione reads "Immortal??" Ron says confused "it means you will never die. There have been many reports of the Philospher's Stone over the Centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Nicolas Flamel, the noted Alchemist and opera-lover. mr Flamel, who Celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year. That's what's under the trap door the Philosophy Stone" Hermione finishes saying as she looks up at us.

"It has to be Snape he tried to hurt you at the Quidditch Game and Hagrid Described the person who asked about fluffy had a big cloak on who else can It be Snape hates you Harry" Ron says I still don't believe it's Snape..I mean he's close to my family it can't be...right.

We all walked to the common room as it was becoming Curfew and sit down on the sofas, "FRED GIVE ME MY CHOCOLATE FROG" George shouts as Fred comes running in the room laughing as George runs behind him "I DON'T HAVE HELGA HUFFLEPUFF PLEASE" George shouts "Guys stop Shouting you will wake everyone" Ron says "Why are all of you late back come on Guys Hermione needs her sleep" Fred says laughing "we were in the Library....Studying" Harry says "well I'm of to bed night boys" Hermione says as she walks up to stairs to the Girls Dorm.

I look out the window next to the Fireplace it has been snowing I love snow...I just can't believe they think Snape is behind this...I mean Snape does seem like the type but I know Him he won't do such a thing...I'll talk to Snape tomorrow.

November 7th 1991
(Draco's P.O.V)
I knock on Snape's office Door as I hear a "Come in" I walk in and close the door "Draco what do you need it's Sunday should you be hanging with your Gryffindor friends" "I want to ask you know anything about the Philosopher Stone?" Snape looks up at me in shock I know he knows something "How do you.." Snape says "...I was doing some Light Reading with Hermione the other day and found some information about it and it seems interesting" that has to be the best lie I ever told.."Well I know it was Made by Nicolas Flamel that's all" Snape stands up and walks over to his bookshelves "Please Professor.." I hear Snape moan and turn around "I know you lied Draco you don't read anymore and since Granger is more of a reader she will be the one to read so I'm guessing You Potter and his Friends are finding out who's trying to steal the stone from Fluffy the three headed dog" Snape smirks as my Mouth drops open "I won't tell anymore Draco but it isn't me who's trying to steal it and I know Potter and his friends think it's me that's why your here" "Pretty much Professor.."

As I'm walking back to the common room to meet up with Hermione I wonder if it isn't Snape then who would it be,
"Draco how did it go" Hermione says walking up to me In a jacket with a Hat and Scarf on "Its not Snape and I know if I tell Harry and Ron they won't believe me so please Hermione you being so smart help me find out who it really is.." "but what if Snape was lying to hid his cover" I laugh "Hermione he knows we think it's him and we know so much about the Stone, he's like my family and I know he would never do such a thing" Hermione Nods "Okay I'll help now let's go I want to play in the snow" Hermione runs out the common room as I laugh and Chase after her.

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