The end

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20th July 1997
(Draco's P.O.V)
I wake up in a soft bed in a dark room, I look to my left to see Mother smiling at me "Your okay" Mother says as I remember...HERMIONE "WHERES HERMIONE" I shout "she left last night with Harry and Ron they did save her, Bellatric and Dad is away from a meeting so you will have to leave soon so they don't find you here" mother says "why didn't they take me" I ask "you were too weak I had to care for you but if you feel better you may leave your wand is beside you" Mother says standing up and walking to the door "I'm sorry about Hermione not forgiving you but she will come around, now off your go" mother says as I appreciate.

I land outside the Lovegoods house, it is so dark like my manor but old and run down..
I knock on the door as Luna answers it "Draco hello I was expecting you" Luna says with a smile on her face, she also has scratches on her checks "is Hermione here??" I ask "oh yes The whole trio is here but Hermione is very weak from being tortured yesterday" Luna says letting me in the house as I see Ron sitting on the sofa his head in his hands "hey Ron" I said as Ron looks up at me "oh thank God you are here we were so worried about you, Harry and Hermione are upstairs but Hermione is really weak" Ron says as I nod and make my way upstairs.

I walk into the bedroom on the second floor to the right, Harry is sitting beside Hermione's bed with his head down, he looks asleep but he's not "Draco??" Harry says looking up at me "'s Hermione" I ask "she's very weak, we tried every potion and spell to try and get rid of her....Word on her arm but it won't go away." Harry says as I look at Hermione.

Her face looks so weak and tired, but she still looks beautiful, the word MudBlood on her arm was so bold it still bled but only little drops, memories flashed in front of my eyes as I remember all the times I called her a MudBlood "H-Harry" Hermione says as she starts to wake up "hey Hermione how you feeling" Harry says "what else happened to her...after I fell unconscious" I ask "Ron and I got out of the cell but we hid under the stairs, Bellatric continued to use the curse spell on Hermione which she used on you, Hermione was very weak so Ron had to carry her, your mother wanted to look after you and we told her we will be at The Lovegoods house" Harry says "Malfoy??" Hermione says "hey.."

22nd July 1997
(Draco's P.O.V)
Hermione come downstairs for Breakfast for the first time since she was to weak to even walk but surprisingly she..Hugged me "It is true what you said back at the still love me" Hermione says as my stomach drops "oh..ummmm Yeah..." I say looking down at the ground "then I forgive you" I look up "Really" I ask "of course" Hermione says as I hug her.

2nd May 1998
(Draco's P.O.V)
Over the past few months we stayed in bidding planning how to stop Voldermort and we came up with the plan of sneaking into Hogwarts and making Dumberdores arm form to defeat Voldermort, Yes it may sound challenging but we will just go with it.

As the four of us make our way into Hogsmed we stumble upon a guy that looked a lot like Dumberdore but Surprisingly its Dumberdores brother, he shows us the portrait of his sister which secretly takes us into Hogwarts and I was so glad to see Neville and everyone else.

"Harry Potter step forward" Snape says as Harry steps forward (I'm hiding in all the Slytherins) "tell them how it happened that night tell them how you looked him in the eye a man who trusted you and KILLED HIM TELL THEM" Harry says as Snape pulls out his wand and all Off Dumberdore army join together getting their wands out "your father will be very disappointed in you Malfoy" Snape says as he apparperates out.

The battle has begun, us four are on our way to find the horcruzes, Hermione and I enter the chamber of secrets to destroy the Hufflepuff cup, Hermione stabs the cup with a basilisks fan as it flies to the other side of the room as water shoots everywhere (even over us) I look at Hermione as she looks at me and I think 'kiss her kiss her' "that went well now let's go" Hermione says running out the chamber as I moan 'I SHOULD OF KISSED HER'

After destroying the Hufflepuff cup we meet Ron and Harry on the grand stair case "I think I'll go to Voldermort" Harry says "no Harry you can't give yourself up to him" Hermione says "I have no other choice Hermione..I'm sorry, kill the snake then it's just him" Harry says "I'll go with you.." Hermione says "no Hermione stay here with Ron and Draco and Kill the snake then Voldermort I trust you all to do this, I'm sorry Hermione" Harry says as Hermione hugs him, Harry looks over at Me and Ron and nods at us both, After Hermione let him go Harry walks off out the castle "come on let's kill the snake" Ron says as I take Hermione's hand and lead her the way Ron is going.

Hours go by and we still can't find the snake so we stoped looking "Look it's Voldermort" a student says as we look out at the courtyard to see Harry being carried in Hagrids arms as Voldermorts army approaches us "Harry Potter is dead" Voldermort says "NO NO" Ginny says as I look at Hermione, Tears forming in her eyes "he can't be...he's playing dead right.." I say in my head "join us or die" Voldermort says as everyone stayed still "Draco, Draco come here" Father says as I look over at Father and Mother "Draco...Come" Mother says I was about to take a step forward when Hermione Grabs my hand "please don't.." Hermione says "I'm sorry...I love you Hermione...Ron take care of her please" I say as Ron nods, I let go of Hermione's hand and start to walk over to Mother and Father as I hear Hermione's cries behind me it left Tears In my eyes as memories flash before me "I'm Hermione granger" "stupid MudBlood" "I love you Hermione."

Harry jumps out of Hagrid arms and starts to fight with Voldermort I was going to run to Hermione but Mother and Father pulled me to the bridge "where are we going we have to fight" I say "Draco it's better if we leave" Mother says "I-I can't leave Hermione to fight without me we are a team" I say "Draco she will be fine with Weasley please Draco I don't want you to be hurt" mother says "but I love her mum I always have since the first time I have saw her please Mother I promise you won't lose me" I say "just let the boy go Narcissa he loves the girl" Father says "thank you Father" Father nods at me as I run back to the castle.

I enter the castle to see Hermione and Ron fighting the snake trying to get near it to kill it but that's when I saw a sword in the sorting hat near smashed bricks, I pick up the sword and it's the Gryffindor sword Harry used in second year to kill the basilisk.

I turn round to see The snake about the Kill Hermione and Ron so I charge and slice the sword on the Snakes neck as the snake disappears "D-Draco you came back" Hermione says "of course I did Hermione I had too" I drop the sword and embrace Hermione in my arms but that wasn't enough, I kiss her, I kiss my love of my life, the person I have loved since I was 11, "ummm sorry to disappoint you guys but we are in the middle of a war right now and Harry is about to Defeat Voldermort" Ron says as Hermione and I laugh.

Finally the war was over, Voldermort was destroyed and we all celebrated with the rest of the school, sadly we lost many lives in the war including Lupin.

We enter the great Hall to see many bodies but we didn't look at them, luckily all the Weasleys survived buttttt "HERMIONE YOUR OKAYYYY" Fred says hugging Hermione yepp Fred still treats Hermione like a little sister.

19 years later
(Draco's P.O.V)
Today's the day my Little Malfoy leave to go to hogwarts I did cry once but I can't help it.

We enter platform 9 3/4 as my son Scorpius and Hermione walk over to Harry and Ginny "hello guys" I say "hey I feel like I'm going to cry I'm letting my little Albus goooo" Harry says "daddd I'm not little anymore" Albus says as Ron and Pansy Parkinson comes over with their daughter Tia Weasley (yes they are married) "Mum Dad what if I'm put in Slytherin" Scorpius says "Many years ago we knew someone from Slytherin and he was the bravest person I have ever met, Slytherin isn't a bad house and no matter what house you get we will still love you" I say "I want Gryffindor because you guys for Gryffindor" Scorpius says as Hermione laughs "alright honey but remember to keep safe and work hard, we will see you at Christmas" Hermione gives Scorpius his stuff and kisses his forehead and I hug my son "bye Mum Bye Dad." Scorpius says getting in the train as we watch the rain leave the station "has anyone seen a toad" Hermione says as Harry Ron and I laugh.

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