Start of a new year

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August 28th 1994
(Draco's P.O.V)
It was the Quidditch world up day Me and Father was invited to go, as we walk to our seats I hear a voice I recognised "How high up are we" I look up and See Hermione,Ron and Harry with the other Weasleys "let's say if it rains you'll be the first to know" Father says as I smile at Hermione and she smiles back.

After the game Father told me he had to go do some business so I went out for a walk when I heard screaming and the tents were on fire I see Death eaters running about sending hexes to Muggleborns I froze thinking about Hermione,Harry and Ron I run into the forest and hid behind a tree...if I'm a Gryffindor why aren't I brave.

"Tripped over a tree root" I heard a voice say behind the tree I was hiding from I recognised it as Ron's "well feet that size, Hard to not" I say smiling coming out behind the tree "Draco oh thank goodness your alright" Hermione says hugging me as I released..."you all should go you don't want Hermione to be spotted" I say "what do you mean" Harry says "They are after Muggleborn Harry..." I say "We better go to the port key Draco are you coming" Hermione says "yeah let's go" I say as we run fast up the hills in the forest to the Port key we look around us and see a big snake in the sky.."HURRY" Ron says as we grab the Port Key and Appear at The Burrow.

"Oh thank goodness you four are alright" Mrs Weasley says giving us blankets to calm down "Where's dad" Ron says looking around the room only to see The twins and Ginny "He's helping Fighting away the Death eaters" Mrs Weasley says "Whats a Death eater" Harry says "Voldermorts army" I say looking down remembering Father telling me about them "you mean he's coming back..." Hermione says "Dumberdore did say to me in second year Voldermort can return" Harry says.

1st September 1994
(Hermione's P.O.V)
I stand outside Harry,Ron and Dracos Room waiting for them to finish packing thinking about how this year will go.

We board The train and sit down in a compartment on the Daily Profit about the Quidditch World Cup attack, I look outside the window thinking about the past with Draco...Will he change this year again.

We arrive at Hogwarts as the first years get sorted and they announce about the Trizwizard Tournament.

16th September 1994
(Hermione's P.O.V)
I was in the library as I saw Victor Krum walk in looking over at the bookshelf to my left "Your Hermione Right...??" victor says "Yes I am and Your Victor Krum" I say putting my book down and looking up at him "I heard all about you I hope we can be friends" Victor says smiling and walking out the library.

24th September 1994
(Draco's P.O.V)
It was the day the goblet Of Fire is choosing the contestants for the Trizwizard Tournament
"Fleur Delacour, Victor Krum and Cedric Diggory Great we have our three championship" Dumberdore says but the goblet lights up spitting out another name "Harry potter....HARRY POTTER" Dumberdore says as I look at Harry shocked and Hermione dragged Harry up as he walks over to He didn't even want to be in the Contest...he won't be stupid to do this...right.

That night Harry and Ron got into a fight in our dorm "Draco you believe me right" Harry says "Of course Harry you aren't stupid enough to die in a contest" I say getting into bed "Idiot that's all I'm known for 'Harry potters Best Friend'" Ron says "But that's not what you are Ron you are a Weasley, Brave Gryffindor and a hero now let's get some sleep" I say falling asleep.

30th September 1994
(Draco's P.O.V)
It's the first task Dragons.
Hermione, Ron and I sit down at our seats waiting to watch the game as Hermione sighs and gets up "Where are you going" Ron says "Harry" Hermione says walking off.

(Hermione's P.O.V)
"Harry is that you" I say behind the curtain "Yeah" Harry says "The Key is to conservative after that you have to just-" "Battle a dragon" Harry says as I sigh missing him I jump behind the curtain and hug him tightly "I missed you" I say "I missed you to but you better go the game starts soon" Harry says "Right be brave Harry and remember you have your wand" I say walking back to my seat.

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