5 Déjà vu

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The unpleasantly cold puff of air brush my checks as it leisurely notifies everyone that the most awaited season is on its way.  The merry atmosphere accompanies the breeze as it lingers in every pathway of the university. I did not realize that time flies that fast, it is almost Christmas. It seems like yesterday that I first saw Louise, and it felt like it was just the other night that I asked all the stars and gods in heaven to grant my wish. I could still remember the first time that he talked to me, the first topic that we discussed, the first day that he laid his round brown eyes upon mine, and the day that my wish was granted. He still occupies the space next to me despite the fact that most of it was changed by our adviser months ago. I know that this setting would not last forever, but I do appreciate the time that heaven gave me to savor each minute to be with him.

 It is still the usual room, the usual chaotic classmates that I have, but the aura of the place seems to be so friendly, so warm. He is with my other classmates when I arrive; I slowly walk towards my empty seat and look for Rei and Anj against the frantic crowd. As I search for my things and prepare my stuffs for the first class, Louise makes his way through the huddle and takes his seat next to mine. I could still hear him talk to our other classmates about a ridiculous topic, and laugh their hearts out.

 “Perry.” I look up and see Anj standing in front of me and Rei making her way towards where we stood.

 “Hey.” I tell her as cheerfully as I could. Hiding what I really meant that I do not want to talk to her, since another opportunity to be with him would be forgone.

Anj just smiles, and turns to Rei and both of them set off through the packed doors and into the nippy hallways of the university. I wish to stay. I look at Louise, but his thoughts are still with his friends, he is still wearing his smile and laughing. I realize that I should follow my friends as Anj peaks through the doors of our classroom a few minutes after they went out. I immediately return my things in my bag, take out my phone and my wallet, and hurriedly make my way to follow Anj and Rei.

 “What is it?” I asks them still catching my breath.

 “Nothing.” Anj replies simply and she smiles at me mischievously.

 I still follow them, not knowing of what I am going to put myself into. Curiosity makes my feet move and makes my body oblige to my feet’s wish to follow them.

 “May I know what is going on?” I whisper to Anj.

 She just shrugs and keeps on walking following Rei, who walks ahead of us.

 I am not sure of what is going on or what is about to happen. I look at my watch and it is just thirty minutes before the class starts. Knowing the both of them, they hate going out of the room a few minutes before the class starts. The both of them love school; learning, recitations, examinations and the entire school life unlike me. It bothers me a lot that they are acting so strange today.

 “Rei!” I yell, the moment I cannot contain the oddity of what is happening. She did not look back and she did not even take a glimpse of me; she just ignored my call and continues to find her way through the crammed hallway.

 I look at Anj who is walking next to me, I am about to let out an inquiry of the anonymity, but to my surprise she just beams that impeded my line of thinking.

 Rei immediately turns to the last corner, and into the most isolated hallways of the university. The icy breeze of the wind could still be felt, although it is three times colder, as if it we are taking the lost path going to the Arctic. The sun’s ray could not easily penetrate the murky glass stained windows of saints, priest, bishops and martyrs that founded the university. The corridor looks so outlandish that it felt like we are in a different world. The mood of the hallway felt so eerie; like shadows are following us, and big black bloodcurdling eyes are watching our every move. Spider webs are one by one showing through the cream grimy cathedral-high ceiling. The lights are slowly eaten by darkness as we walk towards the end of the hallway. The path slowly turns to be dim-lighted; a few rays of the sun that are able to squeeze through that thick dirt give us light. I dared to look back, and I only see darkness waits for our return. The loud chatters that is so eminent in the distant corridors could no longer be heard, only the sound of our footsteps echoes as we walk.

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