8 The Sigh of a Heart

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His voice. . .

His calm sweet alluring voice. . .

When will I hear his voice again? . . .

His charming fragrance. ..

When will it captivate me once more? . . .

His enchanting gaze. . .

When will I see those stares again?

I miss him. . .

I really do. . .

My mind is occupied with my thoughts of him while walking towards our room. For the first time in my senior  life, my Dad brought me to school for some reason I could not understand. It was just five o’clock in the morning when my Mom came smashing at my door.

“Wake up Patrice, time to go to school.” she said while tapping my legs to wake me up.

“What? What time is it?” I asked as I drearily looked at my alarm clock near the counter next to my bed. “It’s just five in the morning Mom!” I exclaimed annoyed.

“You’ve got to wake up, or else we would be leaving you here all alone.” she snapped.

I rolled my sleepy eyes in frustration, cuddled the pillow nearest to me, and covered myself with my blanket, as my Mom started to explain herself on top of her voice. I cannot understand each word she said; I’m entering dreamland once again.

“PATRICE!” the roaring sound of my Mom’s anger stirred me up. I cannot really remember what happened after, everything happened so fast. The last thing I could remember was Dad and Mom were already saying their goodbyes and I got off of our car. Now here I am, walking all on my own, taking all the time that I could possibly have since it is too early to go to our probably empty classroom.

I hate this feeling.

 I look around and there are only a few students lurking around, and most of the people that I could see are the gardeners and the guards of the university.

He is not yet here, most likely. It’s too early.

My longing for him still lingers in my very soul. It is like a disease that quickly spreads all through my body, but it is more intense on the part that only beats for him.

I told my best friends about how I feel, as expected they went mad about it;

“What? You’re crazy.” Anj said frantically while we were talking on a three-way call last Saturday.

“Well, I can’t help it. I miss him!” I explained down-heartedly.

“You know what. He is just around; we’re still in the same room.” Rei said. “You can still talk to him, right? You’re friends!” she continued.

Friends, yeah right. I sighed.

“And besides there is nothing wrong if you will be the one approaching him. Do the same thing like what he usually does; ask school stuff questions.” Anj added.

Yes, Louise usually asks questions about school, about the lectures and about other academic stuffs. I had answered him eagerly every time he asks. Even to the point where I do not know it myself but just for him, I would go the extra mile of asking other people that are more knowledgeable about it. The truth is, I really like the fact that I am the one he chose to share his thoughts with and to seek answers from. I still remember how calm his voice is, and the way his breathe makes my hair sway every time he whispers his questions in my ear in the middle of a discussion. It is all coming back. Oh, no. I miss him!

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