12 The Girl

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Is she pretty?

I stare at the ceiling, hugging my pillow laying on my bed; thinking. I grab my phone resting next to me, press the keys to unlock and try to scroll and read his messages again:

Sent: January 18, 2012, 4;16pm

We are going to have some snack, would you like to come with us?

                                             Received: January 18, 2012, 4:21pm

                                             I’m still with my club mate, you should go ahead.

Sent: January 21, 11:45am

Louise, where are you? Aren’t you going to the practice today for our class presentation?

                                             Received: January 21, 11:47am

                                             I’m still at the club, we had a short meeting. I will be coming in a bit.

Sent: January 21, 11:50pm

Okay, are you going to join us for lunch?

                                             Received: January 21, 11:53pm

                                             Don’t wait for me; I would be taking my lunch with my club mate.

Why does she keeps on popping in? There is something about her, very intriguing. I would like to see her face, I would be glad to know who my rival is.

Every time I scroll his message, she would always be his reason. I know that she is older than us; she is a freshman in college; in Accountancy to be exact. The thought of the two of them together makes me feel weak and depress. I know that he spends most of his time with her. I envy her a lot for that. Without noticing, jealousy creeps in; it‘s like a silent slayer waiting for its right moment to assault. I succumb myself in resentment against her, but the idea of Louise being angry stopped my feelings.

I suddenly think of him; smiling at me which makes me feel contented for a moment, and I realize that with all his efforts to have a steady communication with me means something, could it mean that he wants me to be by his side always? The idea didn’t stop me from thinking how she looks. I want to see her face, her stance – everything. I know that I should not compare myself with her, I’m just curious to find out.

“Patrice, would you mind if I ask you to stay for a while? We should finish this before we go home since this would be passed tomorrow.” one of my group mates says. I look at my watch, and it is already five-thirty in the afternoon, time to go home. I look at her and say; “Not at all, I would like to help.”

“Good!” she says and smiles back at me.

As I’m sitting in a circle with my group mates, I hold my head high trying to search for my friends against the busy crowd. Anj is with group mates as well, seems like they are about to be finish as they chuckle in happiness, meanwhile, Rei is nowhere to be found. I glance at her seat and her bag is no longer there. My phone vibrates in my pockets, I take it out and it illuminates Rei’s message saying;

I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. I have to go home; I have to finish my other project.

 And it ends with a sweet smiley. There are a few times wherein we have to stay in the campus even until sunset just to finish a project. Just like this. I wonder why our professors gave us too much work load compared with the last batch. I remember Louise told me that his club mate didn’t have too much project unlike us. He also told me that she also graduated high school in the university.

Louise, where are you?

I hold my head high again, looking for him this time. I try to pick him against the crowd but like Rei, he is not in the room. He should probably with his club again. I let go of the feeling and the image of the two of them sitting together laughing and I focus on what I am doing and hopefully we would be leaving soon.

“Finally we’re done!” all of us exclaim happily. I look at the clock hanging at the end of our room and it is almost seven-thirty in the evening. Darkness covers the hallways, as well as the pathways outside the building. I glance at Anj who is waiting for me, restlessly seating on her chair and mouthing; “I thought you’ll be finished by seven?” with her face looking irritated.

I smile at her, and she rolls her eyes and gives out a loud groan. I quickly stand up after we say goodbye to everyone in the group. I swiftly head to my seat to pack my belongings and go straight to Anj who is burying her face between her hands.

I tap her at the back, which makes her jump from her seat a little and say; “Finally! After ten excruciating years of waiting.” She stands up lazily; “Don’t say that we have to go to the lavatory?” she asks, as she slightly raises an eyebrow. I just nod in enthusiasm, ignoring all of her whining. Expectantly, she gives out a moan. Both of us go out of the door, and into the dim lighted hallways. Stars shine brightly outside as its glitter combines with the luster of the full moon adding more light to the corridors as we walk.

“Better hurry up.” Anj reminds me before I enter the lavatory. “Sure, I won’t take ten minutes.” I assure her; I open the doors and move swiftly as I do my girl thing.

 “Told you.” I shout at her as I swing the doors of the lavatory, making her jump in fear.

“PERRY!” she cries out on the top of her voice, while I laugh at her.

We are near the gates of the campus when I see a familiar tall figure, together with a girl, seating in the benches talking. She seems like packing her things while the guy looks at her innocently. I dare to have a closer look that I have to walk away from Anj.

“Perry?” she says as she watches me move closer to have a better picture of the two figures.

Could it be Louise? And could that be his club mate?

The figures are pitched black, and I could not see his face as his back is turned against me. However, the lights caught the face of the girl; she is pretty; with long silky straight brunette hair, soft and light complexion, perfectly chiseled nose, pinkish cheeks and lips. Louise’s voice reverberates within me as I remember him say that she is nice, friendly, and cooperative. I feel that Anj comes closer to me, probably bewildered of what I just did.

“What are you looking at?” she asks. I forgot that she could not see properly in the dark. So I just made an excuse and say; “The stars, they’re brighter if you look from here.” And I smile at her. She arches an eyebrow and says; “You’re not a good liar Perry.”

I go back to watch the two of them, now the girl stands beside him, and both of them walk towards the gate of the university and out of my sight.

“Was it Louise?” Anj says as she looks hardly against the pitch black darkness, making her eyes smaller, trying to see what I just saw. I remain still and quiet, ignoring Anj’s question. She comes closer to me. I look at her, my eyes are almost blinded by tears, and then she hugs me so tight that I feel comfortable.

“They just walked out of the university that’s all.” she says calmly as I drench her shoulders with my tears.


“You okay?” asks Rei with a touch of concern in her tone. My friends call me after the incident. Looks like Anj relayed the story to her as soon as she got home. “Anj told me what happened. What did you see?” continues Rei as I try to catch my breath still sobbing.

“I didn’t see the whole thing, but I’m sure that it was Louise, or else she wouldn’t react this way.” Anj explains.

I gather myself, I sweep my tears with my handkerchief, breathe deeply and say; “Yes, it saw the two of them. They walked outside the university together.”

“And?” both of them ask in chorus

“And nothing, that is all that I saw.” I reply.

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