I need help

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So if any of you have been on my profile and read my description, you would know that I am in fact bisexual. But we're not talking about my profile today. We're talking about my sexuality. I've known I was bi for a long time but always stayed in the closet as I was afraid of what people like my family, my friends, and just random people on the street would say.
I recently did come out to my parents maybe 2-3 months ago. Originally they couldn't have been more against it, telling me I was confused, that they only had one son (my brother) and if I wanted to be gay I could move out. It seriously broke me and took me weeks to even get them to talk to me again. When they finally agreed to sit down and talk, first I started to cry, and then I started to talk about how this wasn't a faze and that I was happy with who I was.
They then began to understand what I was going through and very slowly got used to the idea of me liking female tv characters, calling them hot and saying they were really cute. We eventually got past it and now they couldn't have loved me anymore.

But, I have a problem. My family on my dads' side is very religious. They love God and love the bible. They hate the fact that women date women, men date men, and anyone dates anyone. They are coming to visit in 9 days, on my birthday in fact and I'm absolutely terrified about what's going to happen if I tell them. I want to because they're my family but I don't want to let them down. What do I do?

Please help me...

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