Chapter 3: Inside Your Residence

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When they arrived at Yoongi's house, Jimin was half asleep and Yoongi was still debating whether or not to carry him or wake him. Finally, Yoongi gave in and decided to carry Jimin.

Jimin was light. His slim arms almost instantly buckled to his chest and his head seemed to find a comfortable spot on Yoongi's shoulder. The older male felt a small wave of heat dust his cheeks a he carried the other inside. 

Yoongi set Jimin down on a couch near the fireplace. The warmth engulfed Jimin as he closed his eyes and watched the older male. The other had went to go make tea for the both of them. It was going to be yellow tea, Jimin's favorite color. He had remembered that from the conversation they had earlier.

When Yoongi finished, he brought the tea over to Jimin. His little mochi eyes brightened up at the sight of his favorite drink and color blended into one cup. The older male handed the drink to him.

A few minutes later, the two had finished their tea. There was a heavy curtain of anxiety that seemed to coat the room. Jimin decided to break the silence.

"Yoongi-ah, I-i'm sorry to cau-----" He started, but was interrupted by pair of soft lips touching his. Jimin's face flushed when he saw who they belonged to. 

Yoongi was sitting there with a look of amusement. His hands had snaked around Jimin's small waist and their faces were only inches apart. Jimin felt his face get hotter just by the look in Yoongi's dark and beautiful eyes.


"Shh Jiminnie~," Yoongi countered, putting a finger to the plump lips of the younger. Jimin disobeyed and opened his mouth to protest.

"B-but hyung, I-i need to tell you s-something.." Jimin said.

"Hm?" Yoongi tilted his head a little.

"The reason I was crying earlier is because," The words seemed to clog in his throat, "M-my aunt had...smashed my head with a soju bottle..when she heard I was gay..." He paused, feeling tears well up in his eyes.

"Sh-she called me fat..ugly...she even said that taking care of 16 year old trash would be better than having me...She might've been right, but...Hyung, I don't understand...What did I do wrong?" Jimin said, his voice breaking and cold tears running down his cheeks. Yoongi felt his steel heart break at the sight of his love suffering.

"Well Jiminnie, some people just don't approve of our different ways. But not accepting you? That's a problem. Where do you live?" Yoongi asked, rage boiling his blood.

"Hyung, please don't hurt her," Jimin said through small sobs.

"I won't hurt her, I just wanna talk," Yoongi replied reassuringly. Who said anything bout hurting her? Surely a few kicks to the gut region won't hurt. I'm sure with all the belly fat she has, it'll bounce right back.


Yoongi looked at the address scrawled on the piece of paper. He always passed through this neighborhood to go to work, so he knew which street it was on.  When he reached the house, adrenaline started to course through his veins. He walked up to the door and pressed the small doorbell that was bolted to the frame.

A tall and heavy woman answered the door. She was wearing boxers and a tank top. A soccer mom? Yoongi was unaffected by her height and he spoke with confidence.

"Are you Jimin's aunt?" He asked boredly. This lady was about as tough as a fatigued sloth.

"Yeah, what of it?!" She fired back. Her tone was sharp and her breath smelled vaguely of alcohol.

"I heard about your clash earlier. Do you really think Jimin is fat compared to the likes of you?" He countered, making the grimace that painted her face even deeper.

"Yes! He eats all the food and there's barely any left!" She exclaims, holding up a soju bottle, getting ready to strike.

"Are you sure you're not the one eating all the food. Shall I check  the kitchen?" Yoongi enunciated his words, feeling satisfaction from slowly breaking this woman down.

"Who are you, the DCFS?" She excalimed, feeling all of her insecurities burn into her back. With that she swung wile Yoongi wasn't looking. She hit him square on the temple.

"Nope. Just his really really close friend." He felt the soju bottle hit him and he became angry. At least he wasn't knocked out. OR so he thought.

With that, he kneed her in the stomach and walked back to the car. She was left at the door, buckled down with pain.

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