Chapter 1-The Missing Student

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Chapter 1- The Missing Student

Lexa's POV

The shrill school bell rang and I braced myself for the large herd of loud and sometimes obnoxious students to file into my english classroom for fourth period. I was lucky enough to have the second and third period to myself, at least. The first student to walk in was the nerd of this generation of high school students, Milly Anderson.

"Good afternoon Miss Parker", she muttered. Milly had thick framed glasses, blonde hair and was one of those girls who wouldn't be caught dead in a dress, she was fun and perky but wasn't outgoing at all.

"Afternoon, Milly", I smiled as she took her seat in the far back where not many people sat. The next few people in were your average high school students, the group of kids who weren't popular but everyone knew who they were, Ashly, Megan and Sara. They walked to the front row and plopped down their things, still chatting amongst themselves at the others came in. The jocks, the bullies, the populars and the kids who barely showed for class at all that somehow found my class interesting slowly filed in last. When they were all settled down I smiled and sat on the top of my desk.
"Hello, class", I greeted, receiving plenty of 'heys' and 'hi's back. In the middle rows I could see some jocks chatting so I cleared my throat loudly and smiled,
"Darren, save it for after class, please", I nodded. Darren's ice blue eyes looked me up and then down and then he nodded and silenced himself, adjusting into his seat.
"Ok.... attendance", I flipped my hair out of my eyes and picked up the clip board and slowly went through the names. Everyone was here and the ones who weren't all seemed to have a good explanation. Karen was at the doctor's, Jacob was sick and Lucy was in Rome, but the moment I reached the end of the attendance no one could tell me where the missing student was.
"Nobody has any idea where Caden is", I asked again, crossing off his name in the absent side. Everybody shook their heads and shrugged, chatting quietly.

"He probably just dropped out", Landon snorted, "wouldn't put it past him!"

"I usually pick him up in the mornings because they're one of our family friends", a girl named Allison shook her head, "his mom has no idea where he is. Filed a missing persons report yesterday." I blinked in shock,

"Missing", I questioned.

"Ya", Allison nodded, rolling her eyes, "It's weird! Like... his mother was freaking out when I asked about him this morning."

"Probably just ran away", Janice waved off, "with his abusive dad and all." With her comment the room erupted into different scenarios.

"Ok, enough", I raised my voice, making the class go silent, "I'm sure the police are on it but for right now we need to focus on our studying because you aren't the only ones that are going to suffer if you don't pass your exams." The class chuckled lightly as I smiled and the whole missing Caden discussion was over. But the absence and scary news was hard to push to the back of my mind. Linda, Caden's mother, and I were close, she wasn't my best friend but... she was a nice woman to talk to. The rest of the class went on as usual.

That evening when I got home Caden was on my mind. I had talked to principle Marshall when I had a free period and he had told me the same thing I told my fourth and then, later that day, sixth period classes.
"The police have it covered, Alexa", he had assured me, "they'll find him." But the hole in my stomach told me otherwise. Caden wasn't a trouble student he was very sweet and the thought of him missing, a friend's son, made my heart ache and my mind to bring up horrible possibilities. I dropped my keys on the table near the door to my apartment and then shrugged off my coat. It had snowed yesterday and today was one of those chilly days where you have to layer your cloths. I had on a black sweater over a white button down and some black skinny jeans and boots, which I kicked off into the corner of the hallways for tomorrow. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a class and then filled it with the tap water, putting the glass to my lips moments after and gulping down the water. Sighing, I began to look through my cabinets for something to make for dinner, I settled for some mac and cheese. As the water boiled I grabbed the remote from the couch in the living room and turned on the TV, intending to watch it from over the counter in the kitchen. When the water for the mac and cheese began to boil I emptied the noodles in and let them cook, stirring occasionally like it told me to on the box.
"...17 year old Caden Jackson went missing from the San Francisco area yesterday....", I focused on the man in the suit on the news. "...police are searching his mother's house for any sign of where he might be.
"This is the third high school student to go missing this month. Sources say police have even invited the FBI to help them in this investigation..." I dropped the spoon I was stirring with on my foot in shock, hissing in pain afterwards and putting the spoon in the sink. The FBI, I thought to myself, that's a huge step! Once upon a time I went to the FBI academy in hopes of becoming an agent. When I graduated I was offered a job as a teacher and here I am now, not risking my life, the end. A thought made itself known in the back of my mind, what if I can help them? What if I have a chance to join? But quickly I shook off the dumb thought. Me, an FBI agent? I was tough but not THAT tough. I was intelligent but... ok, I was pretty damn smart but that had nothing to do with it. I dived for the remote on the counter and changed the channel to disney channel, hoping the stupid idea would fade away. For the most part, it did.
"FBI agent", I snorted to myself, "nice one, Lexa." I grabbed another spoon out of the drawer and continued my mac and cheese.

The next morning, like every morning, started with the shrill beeping of my alarm clock. I groaned, pushing myself up to shut it off and roll out of bed to get ready. It was 6:00 a.m. and I had to be at school by 7:00, 15 minutes before the students began coming in. I pulled some cloths from my drawers, another white button up with a comfy grey sweater and some skinny jeans, before walking into the bathroom and starting my shower. I was showered, made up and ready by 6:15. Normally, I would make myself coffee here at home but considering I needed to wake up a bit more I decided it would be best to walk up to the Starbucks and then continue on to work. So I grabbed my light brown satchel and stuffed in my phone, agenda, address book, wallet and paperwork, I had graded some tests last night over dinner, and then I headed out into the entryway for my keys. As I walked by the window in the living room I noticed it was snowing again, hard too, so I pulled on my jacket and then a hat over my dirty blonde curls before heading out.

My cheeks and nose were frozen from the cold and nothing has ever felt as heavenly as the warmth of the Starbucks coffee house. I took my time ordering my usual vanilla coffee and chocolate chip muffin, not wanting to leave to early. The news was on on the TV near the counter and as I paid my attention was caught.
"...the three missing teenagers were found dead this morning. Aidan Davis, Jack Hills and Caden Jackson were all reported missing this month..." A gasp fell from my lips as I listened.
"I know", the barista nodded, "their poor families."
"Caden Jackson was a student of mine and a friend's first son", I muttered.
"Oh my god", the girl mumbled, "I'm so sorry..."
"Wait...", the young boy behind her waved it off, "you're a teacher? How are you so young?" I couldn't answer, instead I thanked then for the coffee and walked back into the cold towards work. I was fighting the instinct to go over to Linda's house and comfort her the whole way. I entered the school at 7:00 sharp, fighting to make it to my classroom.
"Alexa", principle Marshall questioned, "what's wrong?" I wanted to yell out that one of our students was dead, murdered, but instead I shook my head,
"I'm just a little shaken up about the murders", I told him.
"I heard", he nodded, averting his eyes to the ground, "poor boys... They all went here. I know you didn't have the other two but... they were nice kids if you got to know them" I nearly chocked on a sob,
"ya", I managed, "I'll be in the classroom." I quickly rushed down the hall into my class, brushing a single tear from my eye and breathing deeply. By the time I composed myself the bell was ringing and the first period students began to file in.

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