Chapter 6- Snowed In

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Chapter 6- Snowed In

Spencer's POV

Lexa's sudden reveal of her 'big secret' didn't exactly sit well with me but I decided to push it to the back of mind. The snow had picked up and the wind blew so hard it rattled the windows of the diner. Once or twice Lexa's eyes would grow worried as she cast a look at the heavy snow fall but then Morgan or JJ or Blake would make a joke or ask her a question and she's look away and smile, playing it off. Another thing I noticed about Alexa Parker was that she was extremely good at switching from playful to professional very quickly. When asked about her job or her education she'd straighten and answer curtly with a small smile but when someone said something funny or made playful joke about her she'd loosen up, laugh, giggle, bite her lip and come up with the wittiest come backs. By the time she'd finished her burger I came to the conclusion that Alexa Parker was an extremely good liar. When asked about her childhood by Blake she hesitated but then shook her head, smiled and told us about how she had bounced from foster home to foster home until she was 18 and, even though they were all very nice and everyone there was very sweet, she left to come here. But the way she averted her eyes when she talked of how nice they were to her told me she wasn't telling us the whole truth. Before I knew it Blake and JJ were excusing themselves and biding goodnight to Alexa, then leaving.

"I better be going too", Lexa's smile faltered when her eyes found the window again. "Wow... it really is falling, isn't it"< she mumbled.

"Ya", Morgan shrugged and then yawned, "want me to walk you home?"

"No, no", Lexa waved it off, "you're tired. You don't have to."

"I will if you want me too", Morgan shook his head.

"No, it's really fine, Morgan", she shook her head, standing up and putting on her jacket and grey knitted hat, "go get some sleep."

"I'll walk you", I blurted out, cursing myself in my head afterwards. Morgan and Lexa's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"You will", Morgan snorted.

"You will", Lexa asked, smiling.

"Y-Ya", I nodded, "you said it wasn't that far and... I'm not that tired."

"O-Ok", Lexa stuttered. My brows furrowed at her brown eyes averted, she had stuttered?

"Whoa k", Morgan got up and smiled at us, "you two don't get to crazy." I rolled my eyes as he and Lexa shook hands, "you have a nice night", he nodded to her as he pulled on his coat.

"You too", she smiled and then Derek Morgan walked out into the falling snow.

"So...", Lexa bit her lip and walked up to me, "you're walking me home?"

"Oh, right", I jumped, pulling on my coat and laughing nervously.

"Andy, girl, put the meal on my tab", Lexa called behind the counter to her friend.

"Gotcha", Andy nodded, "good night!"

"Good night", Lexa smiled before walking to the door with me behind her.

"So how close are you", I asked, looking at the snow and whirling wind.

"A couple blocks", she groaned lightly.

"Come on", I help open the door and she walked through it and then I followed behind her. The wind was strong and cold and the snow went up to Lexa's knees.

"This is ridiculous", she screamed over the wind. I nodded and caught up to her quickly, walking along side her. The snow crunched beneath our feet as the snow started to fall harder and harder.

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