Chapter 5- Lexa's Secret

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Chapter 5- Lexa's Secret

Lexa's POV

That night I decided on eating out. Despite the absence of food in my apartment and my distaste for late night grocery shopping I thought it would be nice to just... go out for a bit, so I decided to go to Mickie's Diner a few blocks from my house and the police station. Mickie's Diner wasn't anything special but the food there was really, really good and if it were up to me they'd be scattered all over the globe. I could see the neon lights from down the block and I rushed to the warmth that was inside. The moment I was able to step inside, out of the cold, was amazing. The diner had a cozy feeling to it, a feeling that welcomed you in.

"Hey Lexa", Andrea Bishop, a good friend of mine, chirped from behind the counter. I smiled and walked up to her. Andrea, or Andy, was a petite woman, only a centimeter taller than I was, and had the prettiest black hair and blue eyes.

"Andy", I hugged her, "how've you been." Andy shrugged,

"same. How'er you", she asked, "heard how Hillside got turned into a hunting ground recently..."

"Ya... that", I shook my head, "I'm holding up. Kinda shook up the kids today with the Jackie Martin news, shook me up too."

"My mom is worried about you", Andy smiled sympathetically. Andy's mother was like a second mom to me, I loved the woman to death!

"Tell her I can handle myself, ok. I'm good", I laughed.

"Ya, she knows", Andy rolled her eyes, "just trying to make sure her little brainiac doesn't end up in a ditch."

"You offend me", I tell her seriously, making her giggle.

"Oh calm yourself, you gonna eat", she asked.

"Starved", I groaned.

"Hey, um, Alexa", Morgan's deep voice sounded behind me. When I turned he stood towering above me, I smiled.

"Whoa, big man", I laughed, "fancy seeing you here." Morgan laughed and took a few steps back. Behind him Dr. Reid, agent Jareau and agent Blake were sitting at a table.

"We just saw you walk in, wondered if you'd want to join us", he laughed.

"You know these feds", Andy's eyes bugged.

"Ya...", I nodded.

"Good, so I can go back and tell Chris they aren't going to arrest him", she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let me guess, broom closet", I rolled my eyes at her.

"He thinks everyone is after him", she rolled her eyes back and stalked away.

"Friend of yours", Morgan asked.

"Ya...", I nodded, laughing.

"You going to sit with us", he asked.

"Um.. sure", I shrugged, turning to the table of FBI agents as Morgan pulled up another chair and set it at the end before sliding into his sit.

"Hey Alexa", agent Jareau smiled. I just realized how awkward this dinner was going to be because the only agent I was familiar on a friendly basis with was Morgan.

"Hello agent Jereau", I greeted back.

"Call me JJ", she waved off.

"Then call me Lexa", I replied quickly with a smile making her chuckle lightly.

"Catchy", Morgan nodded.

"Ya", I shrugged.

"Lexa", Andy called. I looked back at her and she smiled looking at Dr. Reid, "the usual", she asked. It took me a second before I realized she was asking about my order. I usually always got a cheese burger and fries.

"Oh", I nodded, "ya." She smirked and nodded, her eyes still on Dr. Reid. I followed her gaze and found he was watching our interaction with his eyebrows furrowed. Dr. Reid was a serious yet awkward looking character. The way he dressed, the way he talked hinted intelligence. Then it occurred to me that Dr. Reid and I haven't spoken much at all.

"How is you guys' work work going", I asked politely, "get a break in anything?"

"No", JJ sighed, "this unsub is organized."

"Did agent Morgan tell you about Bruce Jackson", I asked, hopeful.

"Ya...", Blake furrowed her brows, "our tech analyst Penelope Garcia is running a background check on him."

"One of Caden's friends stormed out in tears when he told me he thought it was Caden's dad", I shook my head, "Bruce Jackson was convicted of abusing Caden but... Caden wouldn't talk and his mother wasn't exactly a liable witness considering her drinking."

"You know the family", Dr. Reid asked, surprising me. This was the first time he spoke up this whole time.

"Uh, ya", I nodded, "Linda had a few drinking problems and when she drank she got delirious so the police didn't listen to her that much. She's a close friend, haven't spoken to her recently, though."

"Most child abusers aren't actually convicted for the same reasons. The supposed victim wouldn't confirm it and an other witness would either be unreliable or to scared to say anything", Dr. Reid babbled. I nodded and raised my eyebrows,

"ya... in fact the percentage of child abusers that are actually convicted is only 40%. Not nearly enough, if you ask me. Caden's case was bad..."

"Did you appear in court for the case", JJ asked. I bit my lip and averted my eyes,

"no", I finally answered, "Linda had asked that I stay out of it and lend Caden a helping hand when he needed it. I didn't object." Silence filled the spaces between each of us until Andy arrived with my food.

"Here ya go, smarty pants", she chirped, "being real social with the feds, I see."

"We're just talking", I smiled, laughing under my breath as she set the burger down.

"Did you get into some trouble", she asked mockingly.

"Go back to work", I pushed her away, rolling my eyes. She laughed and walked away.

"Funny girl", JJ gestured toward Andy's back.

"Ya", I nodded, "she's great. Like a second family, really."

"What about your family", Morgan asked. I bit my lip and furrowed my brows.

"My family, um...", I shook my head, thinking of how to phrase this in a way that wouldn't seem to depressing, "I never knew them. I was kinda on my own." Surprise and shock flooded everyone's features.

"Alexa... I didn't mean to-

"It's fine", I shrugged, interrupting Morgan, "it really is. It's old news. I'm just tired of it being such a big secret" I flashed them a smile and then cut into my burger. As I took a bite Morgan's guilt left his face as he smiled,

"well at least you can trust us not to tell anyone, if it's a secret", he shrugged.

"Ya", I nodded, "I guess I can."

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