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Jackson's POV

I walked around the cafeteria with a tray on my hands, trying to find the others.

I managed to find them and sat down at the table, receiving weird looks from the others.

"Is something wrong...?" I asked, "Is there something on my face or what?"

"Hey Jackson, is there something we need to know?" Jinyoung asked,

"What?" I said, confused, "What do you guys mean?"

"Okay, Jackson. Did you ate something to become like this?" Mark asked,


"ChaeYeon, Jackson."

"What about her?" I asked,

"Okay, i'll just get straight to the point." Jinyoung said, "What do you find in ChaeYeon that you don't find in any other girls?"

"What does that mean?" I asked still confused,

"Look, Jackson. You don't usually give a damn about girls, after the...ahem...incident. And it's the first time in forever that you communicated or become friends to a girl." Jinyoung said,


"Is there something we need to know?" Mark asked,

I sighed,

"Okay, fine. I like ChaeYeon, is it bad to fall in love again?" I admitted,

The others' eyes widened and they all exchanged looks,

"Of course it's not, heck, you can fall in love so many times for all we care." Jinyoung said,

"It's just, we're just worried about you." Jaebum said,

"We are?" Yugyeom asked and Jinyoung punched his shoulder,

"We just want you to have a happy life, with someone you love." Jaebum continued, "Just, be careful when falling in love again."

"ChaeYeon is a nice person, what could possibly go wrong?" I said,

"Why did you say that?" Bambam asked, "You know, Timmy Turner says that alot but everything ends up terribly, right?"

"Don't say that, you might actually jinx it." Yugyeom said and we all laughed,

"Be careful, Jackson. We don't want the same thing to happen again."


Sorry for the short chapter ㅠㅠ

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