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??? POV

"Okay, fine. I like ChaeYeon, is it bad to fall in love again?"

I over heard from the table that was near us,

"So Jackson likes the new girl, huh?" I said,

"Apparently so.." My friend, HaEun said,

"And why do you care about that exactly? You don't even like Jackson." another friend, Chanri, said.

"Look at it this way, if the two of them ended up dating, The attention will then go to that new girl. Then, our name as 'The popular girls' will disappear. Now, you don't want that to happen, don't you?" I said,

They both shook their heads,

"Same here, and I definitely don't want that new girl to gain popularity quick." I said,

"Actually, you're too late. Alot of guys already like her, and alot of people adore her because of her personality. Heck, even the teachers like her." HaeEun said,

"That's true..." I said,

"Then what are you gonna do?"

"Honestly, I don't know."

"You can't bully her aswell, you'll get in huge trouble."

"So, what are you gonna do?"

I paused for a moment and a smirk formed on my lips,

"I'm pretty sure that he hasn't moved on yet, right?" I asked and they both nodded, "I have a plan, I'll try to get back with Jackson and hopefully, he'll be stupid enough to agree to get back with me."

He may like that ChaeYeon girl, but he may be stupid enough to believe that I still love him...


Btw this was Kim Hana's pov, ya know, the one who made an appearance on chapter 8...

This was a trashy chapter ㅠㅠ
Oh and take note that the next few chapters are gonna be on Jackson's POV

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