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I was on my small balcony, sipping on my cup of coffee and then placing it on the coffee table as I continued reading my book.

Today's more cold than usual.

I just brushed the thought off and continued reading, then suddenly something cold came in contact with my skin. I looked up only to see the clouds turning ash gray and snow peppering from the sky as it falls to the ground. 

I pulled out my phone and decided to message Jackson and the others informing that it's snowing.

Bambam had recently added me in their small little group chat and we would constantly talk and rant about random things.

7/11 (ft. ChaeYeon)

You waved hello to the group.

You: Has anyone noticed it's snowing?

Jinyoung: Yeah, currently looking out the window right now.


Youngjae: LET ME SEE

Youngjae logged out

Bambam: Yup! Me and Yugyeom are playing a snowball fight right now.

Youngjae is online

Youngjae: Hey no fair I wanna join!

Bambam: Then go here, we're just outside my house.

Youngjae: 👍

Youngjae logged out

Bambam logged out

Your phone made a loud ding sound and so you checked to see where the notification came from.

It was a private message from Jackson

(Active now)

Jackson: You wanna meet up?

You: Yeah sure!

Jackson: How about the park?

You: Sounds good!

You: I'll just change into something warm and i'll meet you there.

Jackson: Okay!

You went to your closet and wore a sweater and a scarf and headed outside.

As you were walking down the neighbourhood, you can see a bunch of kids, wearing thick clothing while playing in the snow.

It was cute.

Just seeing these kids have fun while they still can, it's just too pure. I don't get how ten year olds these days try so hard to look and act mature. To be honest, I really miss my childhood, I miss those times where I didn't gave a single damn about the world. I miss those times where I never had a problem with something or someone. I was just, free, free to do whatever I want.

I just sighed as I remember the memories of me being a kid and proceeded to walk my way to the park.


"So what do you want to do?" I asked Jackson,

"How about- wait no, it's snowing we can't get ice cream...." Jackson said,

"Actually, I'm the type to eat ice cream during winter and eat really hot soup in summer." I said, laughing quick after.

"Seems normal." Jackson replied,

"How about we should just walk around for a bit." I said and Jackson nodded,

"Yeah, let's do that."

We started walking around the already snow filled pathways of the park,

"Okay, so this is random but I wouldn't think i'm a weird person. Since like, i'm pretty sure a bunch of people can relate to the things I do like, having your order memorized and then start stuttering and messing up when you're actually gonna say it, and tripping on nothing, you know, things like that." I said and Jackson laughed, agreeing to what I just said.

"To be honest, being normal is weird and boring nowadays." Jackson said as we both laughed,

"That's true."

Me and Jackson decided to sit down on a bench nearby and talk about life.

"New Year is close, have any resolutions?" I asked,

"Not really, how about you?" He asked and I shooked my head,

"To be honest, it's better to not write any New Year's resolutions because you'll end up not doing them anyway. Let's say for example you write 'I'm gonna be more fit.' or 'I'm gonna be more outgoing.' but in the end you're just gonna be laying on your bed doing absolutely nothing. But for me, I guess i'll try to improve my studies!" I said,

"Oh okay." Jackson replied, "Can I say something?" He added,

"Of course, go ahead."

"You're my Princess and I'm your Prince." He said smiling brightly,

"That's cute. But why Prince and Princess?" I asked out of curiosity,

"It's because Princes and Princesses always live happily ever after and I want to live happily ever after, with you."

He paused then continued,

"Just like in those Disney Movies, The Knight in shining armor will come and save the Princess, just remember when you're struggling in a situation or problem, I'll be your Knight in shining armor and help you."

"But it's not always the Prince that is brave, even Princesses have to be strong, When you can't solve your problem I will be there, If I can't solve my problem, You'll be there." I said smiling back at him,

"Or we can solve our problems together like how Couples do." He added to what I said,

He paused once again then held up his pinky finger then said,

"Promise me you'll be my second and last?"

I intertwined my pinky finger with him and said,

"Promise. Promise me you'll be my Knight in shining armor?"

He laid his forehead with mine then said,


He closed the space between us and in a matter of seconds, I can feel his lips touch mine.

The both of us parted and smiled at each other,

"Okay so stand up and turn around." I said,


"Pleaseeee!" I said,

He just shrugged and turned around,

I then crouched to the ground and made a snowball with my hands,

I tried to keep my composure as I failed and let out a small chuckle.

"What's going o-" Jackson said but before he can finish his sentence I quickly threw a snowball on the back of his head,

"Why I outta-It's on!!" Jackson said grabbing a huge chunk of snow and forming it into a ball,

I started running as Jackson attempted to throw a snowball at me, and, the snowball fight started there.


Okay this was supposed to be published a day after Christmas but like, I ran out of things to write while in the middle of writing if that even makes sense :P

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