𝘃𝗶. chapter six.

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                   "THE NERVE OF THAT BLOOD TRAITOR!" Lucius hissed, as he entered the Slytherin common room. Narcissa was clinging onto his arm, and Briar followed a few steps behind. Lucius didn't lose his temper often, but if he did, it wasn't a pretty sight. she squeaked in surprise when he whirled around and glared at her. "Did he hurt you? Are you all right? What were you even doing there with him?"

            "He walked me back to the common room," Briar replied, trying to sound indifferent. "It's not as bad as you think, Lucius. Just leave it alone."

           Lucius's grey eyes narrowed at her. "No, apparently it's worse than I thought. Are you defending that blood traitor? He was violating you! Or perhaps you wanted him to?"

         Briar almost choked in indignation. "Pardon me? Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"Perhaps I am. Do you want to know what that looked like to me, Briar? That looked like you alone with a blood traitor in a deserted corridor, about to shame your entire family name! Now if I misunderstood that, then do correct me."

"You're wrong."

"Did he force himself on you? Were you being harassed?"

Briar remained silent. Had she been harassed? When Sirius had pulled her close, she'd felt anger, and a surge of excitement that she couldn't explain. But she hadn't felt violated, not that way she had on that train ride when she heard Evan Rosier talking about her.

"Briar, answer me!" Lucius yelled, looking angry, "If he violated you, then we're going to Dumbledore this instant! He can't possibly get away with mistreating a woman that easily. I'll write to Father, and-"

"Don't you dare."

Lucius faltered at the venom in her voice. "Pardon?"

"Don't you dare breathe a word of this to your precious father, or to my parents either!" Briar hissed. She wasn't sure where the anger was coming from, but she felt an urge to slap Lucius in the face. "If one thing is true, Lucius, it's that Sirius Black isn't the root of all my problems, you are. You're the one who decided that you wanted to find me a suitor and set me up with Evan Rosier! If you want to suddenly stand up for my honor, then perhaps you should drag him to Professor Dumbledore!"

Lucius frowned. "So you finally want to talk about what happened on the train, then? I don't understand why you must make such a big issue out of it. I've apologized, and-"

LOVE, ROSIE ━━ sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now