𝘅𝘅𝗶𝗶. chapter twenty two.

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BRIAR WINCED AS Mrs. Farrow tugged on her platinum hair hard, trying to pull it into some sort of intricate updo. Briar had protested at first, insisting that she wanted to keep her usual plait. The expression of horror she received from Mrs. Farrow was almost hurtful. Her hair didn't usually look that bad, did it?

Adriana was sitting in the corner of the room, playing with Fairy. The dog was practically trampling all over her dress, and Mrs. Farrow had screamed at her a few times before giving up. There was no separating the girl from her monstrous pet. Briar found herself wondering why the tiny girl couldn't have gotten herself a small lapdog instead of the huge German Shepherd.

       "Oh Gorgeous!" Georgiana gushed, as she rifled through Briar's jewellery box. Although there were many things about the three sisters that infuriated Briar, the biggest one had to be their complete lack of respect for privacy. They seemed to think that they could borrow her things as they did each other's. Georgiana had pulled out a pretty purple bracelet that Lorcan had once gifted Briar. She started to clasp it onto her own hand, and Briar resisted the urge to scream.

         "How beautiful!" Fiona gushed immediately. Briar tried to turn her head to see what they had found so interesting, but Mrs. Farrow refused to let her move it. Sighing, she listened silently to the girls' excited whispers until the woman was done with her hair.

      Oh, no they didn't.

         Fiona had found the silver and green hairclip at the bottom of the jewellery box. She and Georgiana were staring at it, mesmerized, until Fiona started to slide it into her hair.

        A rush of anger went through Briar. She didn't know why, but she simply couldn't stand the thought of seeing that beautiful hairclip in Fiona's hair. She tried to calm herself down but it didn't work. "Stop it!"

        Fiona almost dropped the clip in surprise, and they all turned to see Briar's furious expression. Although she'd been getting irritated with the girls, they'd never seen her quite angry before. Fiona stared at Briar. "What is the problem?" Her accent filtering through

        "Put it down, right now. Stop touching my things," Briar hissed. The girls didn't seem to understand what she'd said, but the expression was clear. She was angry. Looking somewhat offended, they replaced the jewellery and closed the box. Briar took a deep breath. "Thank you."

         Just as she turned around to look at herself in the mirror, the door to the room opened, and Dipsy poked her head in nervously. "Miss? You're all wanted downstairs, miss. It's time."

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