𝘅𝘃𝗶𝗶𝗶. chapter eighteen.

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A LARGE BLACK DOG walked down the corridor leading to the Gryffindor tower. His tongue was hanging out, and his tail wagged slightly as a rat scurried beside him. The two animals reached the end of the corridor together, but the rat stopped at the turn. He cocked his head to the side slightly, and the dog peeked around the corner.

An almost human smile spread across the dog's face. Wagging his tail one last time, his body shifted slowly until, standing in his place was Sirius Black. Sirius glanced down at the rat, gave him a reassuring smile, and walked down the corridor to greet Briar.

"I hope you weren't waiting too long," he called out cheerfully. Briar turned around slowly, not showing any signs of surprise. Sirius couldn't help but grin. She'd clearly been expecting him, or the sudden voice would have startled her.

Briar raised her eyebrows. "You think way too highly of yourself."

Sirius shrugged, leaning against the wall beside her. They looked at each other, Briar's mouth curving upwards slightly. She seemed to be remembering something amusing.

"What?" Sirius asked her.

"I was just thinking about what happened to Rookwood at dinner today. Funny, wasn't it? I wonder who could possibly dislike him quite so much..."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Thank you would be sufficient."

Briar smiled at him fully then, the small dimples in the corners of her cheeks more visible than ever. Sirius felt the urge to reach out and poke one with his finger. "In that case , thank you. I don't think I've laughed that hard in quite a while. It was very sweet of you."

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and now who's flattering themselves? You assume that I did it for you. I'm sorry if you saw it that way."

Briar raised her eyebrows. There was an almost mischievous glint in her eyes, something that Sirius had never seen before. He found that he rather liked it. She folded her arms across her chest, smiling.

"Here's what I see, Black. You sneak out of your dorm at night just to talk to me. You try to gift me expensive jewellery. You take the blame in Potions, even though it's my fault. And you play a prank on a boy just because he tripped me in the hall. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems you fancy me."

Sirius stared at her, open-mouthed. The familiarity of the words shocked him, as well as the teasing tone in her voice. Was this Briar D'Alessio flirting with him? What had gotten into her? Sirius found himself almost speechless. "Did you just-"

LOVE, ROSIE ━━ sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now