𝘅𝗶𝘅. chapter nineteen.

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         BRIAR STARED AT THE IMAGE that was tattooed onto Lucius's forearm. The skull with a snake protruding from its mouth sent a chilling shiver down Briar's spine, and she found that she couldn't tear her eyes away from it. Her entire body felt frozen.

        Lucius couldn't decipher the raging emotions in Briar's eyes when she looked up at him. There was pain, horror, and an underlying sense of pity and worry that made his skin crawl.

        "Oh, Lucius. Lucius, you didn't."

          He yanked his sleeve back down, too eager to hide the mark from sight once more. He shoved his arm under the sheets, and turned back to Briar's horrified face. Her expression of pity made him almost angry. He'd expected her to scream at him, or be scared. Not to feel sorry for him.

        "Are you happy now?"

         Briar shook her head. "Happy? How could I ever be happy about this? Lucius, why?"

          "You wouldn't understand."

         Briar reached out, and softly put her hand over his. He flinched away, but then relaxed slightly. Lucius took a deep breath and looked down at his cousin.

        "It's an honour."

         Briar stared at him. She didn't believe it, and she knew that he didn't either. Lucius didn't sound honoured. He sounded frightened and scared. "Honour?! Is that what they told you?"

          Lucius nodded. "It's an opportunity, Briar. An opportunity for me to bring up my family name. I'll make them proud. I know I will."

         "There are other ways to make your family proud, Lucius."

         "Don't try to talk me out of this. It's too late for that. I know what I'm doing, and nothing you say can change that. I can make my own decisions."

         Briar looked at her cousin. She wanted to scream at him, to slap him for being so stupid. What sort of honor could he possibly hope to bring by killing innocent people? What would possess him to join such a dangerous man and put his own life in danger?

         "Do you know what you're doing?"

          Lucius sighed, looking up at Briar with his blue eyes. "There's a war out there, Rose. And I fully intend to be on the winning side."

         And just like that, Briar knew. No words could change Lucius's mind. Like he'd said, it was too late. He'd made his decision, and now he had to stick with it.

LOVE, ROSIE ━━ sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now