𝘅𝘅𝘃𝗶. chapter twenty six.

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BRIAR ROSE WAS standing at Platform 9 ¾ , carrying her owl's cage in one hand, while Dipsy the house elf pulled her trunk. All around her, children were hugging their parents goodbye. One particular eleven-year old boy was trying desperately to wrench himself out of his mother's tight hug. The mother was almost in tears, but the boy only wanted to see what the train looked like.

An unexpected wave of nostalgia struck Briar, as she realized that this was the last time she would ever stand at this platform with her trunk, waiting eagerly to start yet another school year. The realization hit her hard. The next time she would stand here waiting for the train was when she would come to see off her own children.

But there's a long time yet, Briar thought, watching as the teary mother finally released her son. And I certainly won't behave like that, at least I don't think.

"Would miss like help with the trunk?" Dipsy asked helpfully. Briar glanced down at Dipsy, and felt a sudden urge to hug the house elf. She'd never mistreated Dipsy, but Briar had certainly taken the sweet little creature for granted many times. She regretted it now. For the past month, Dipsy was the only member of her household who had been treating her the same way as she had before.

          "I'm fine, Dipsy," Briar assured her, taking the trunk from the house elf. "Why don't you go back home? Mother won't be pleased if you're late."

           Dipsy nodded and disapparated, before the platinum blonde could say another word. Now feeling completely alone, she slowly walked up to the train, and started to carry her trunk into it. It was difficult; she had more books this year than she'd ever had before, and her trunk was unbelievably heavy. She grunted, before a hand tapped her on the shoulder.

       "Would you like some help with that?"

      Briar whirled around, and saw that Peter Pettigrew was standing somewhat shyly behind her. She was surprised; despite the fact that her relations with the Marauders had improved drastically in recent times, Peter had never quite spoken to her. She nodded and smiled at him gratefully as he helped her lift the trunk onto the train.

        "Ow-what's in that?" he asked, surprised at how heavy it was. "I've never lifted a trunk that heavy!"

       Briar thought that he probably hadn't lifted many trunks at all; although Peter was larger than her, he was still much smaller than many of the boys in their year. She smiled back at him, though. "Books. I'm afraid I took a few too many classes for NEWTs... I'm starting to regret it."

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