𝘅𝗶𝘃. chapter fourteen.

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              Sirius Black awoke the next morning, surprisingly early. He'd kept an eye out all evening for Briar, but he hadn't spotted her anywhere. Even Lily admitted that Briar hadn't come to the library as usual to study. He tried to ignore the twisting feeling in his gut, but it was difficult. After spending the evening twitching whenever he saw a girl walk by with a platinum blonde plait, he realized that he had to admit something to himself.

             He was worried about her.

           It was odd. He felt restless, and Remus had commented on his inability to sit down in one place for a few minutes. Sirius wondered what Briar was doing. Had her father been furious? Was she hurt? An image of her locking herself into her dormitory, crying, crossed his mind. He pushed it away instantly. He didn't need pictures like that in his head.

            "-But it's awful, what will I do? What if he fails me? Oh no, James, what if he fails me? I've worked so hard for this class, I need to get an O..."

           Sirius entered the common room and saw Lily Evans, fully dressed in her school uniform, looking distraught. Her head was in her hands, and James was sitting beside her. His friend seemed both helpless and bewildered, but he patted the red-head's back gently.

         "Lily, it's all right, he won't fail you-"

        "But he will! He'll be so disappointed, I'm supposed to be his best student!"

          Sirius shot James a curious look, and his friend sighed before responding.

        "Lily, erm, forgot about the Potions assignment Slughorn set us. She hasn't done it, and Potions is first period today."

         "Oh, don't worry Lily," Sirius told her casually, sitting down opposite them. "I haven't done it either."

        Lily lifted her head up, and glared at Sirius. "I'm not surprised. Black. The day I start comparing my homework assignments with yours is the day I lose all respect for myself."

        "You realize you said that same thing about dating James?"

         Lily shook her head, frowning. "What am I going to do? How can I possibly go to class and show Professor Slughorn my face when I haven't done the assignment?"

          Sirius shrugged. "What if you don't go to class?"

        Lily sighed. "I'm not skipping class, Black. That'll only make things worse."

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