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The following days had gone by rather quick for Zelda as the preparation for the Feast of Feasts took up pretty much all of her time. Zelda's ego was already bruised enough from the tragic fight with Ms. Wardwell, so Sabrina's rejection of their traditions made it only hurt more.

She felt as though Ms. Wardwell had been right,she had let her brother down by raising Sabrina the wrong way. Sabrina was too... human. She didn't accept their traditions and even though Zelda didn't agree with all of them, she at least acted her part.

She would have done everything to protect her niece, but didn't even want to consider letting the Dark Lord down for it. While the love for Sabrina was strong, her belief was stronger.

"Aunt Z?" Sabrina called and found her aunt in the kitchen, smoking her usual cigarette and reading the newspaper.

Zelda looked up, still a bit annoyed at Sabrina's stubbornness to accept their traditions.

"I've asked Ms. Wardwell about the Feast of Feasts and if there is a way to opt out of it," the teenage witch said casually, not noticing the change in her aunt's body language.

"I thought she could, you know, help me, since you clearly refuse to do so," she said and sat on the chair next to Zelda.

Zelda's lower lip started to tremble from anger and her whole body went stiff. "If you find her so helpful then why do you even bother talking to me?" she snapped, threw her newspaper onto the table and stormed out of the room, leaving a stunned Sabrina( who eventually just rolled her eyes at the sensitivity of her aunt) behind.

Zelda stormed into her room and paced up and down, feeling threatened by the way Ms. Wardwell seemed to invade her everyday life. Deep down she was scared that with the steadily growing importance of the witch in Sabrina's life, she would soon be replaced.

She feared she would lose Sabrina once Sabrina realized that Ms. Wardwell was indeed right.Zelda's doubts started to take over, making her believe the things Ms. Wardwell had said were the only possible truth. No, she couldn't let that happen. She was determined to put a stop to it before it was too late.

That night wasn't the right time, even though she was dying to have another talk with Ms. Wardwell. The election for the Feast of Feasts was more important than the intruder that tried to destroy what little bit of peace was left of her already disturbed family. There were so many things happening and Zelda just wished for peace and quiet to return to their small family.


Zelda had to keep herself together, as not to crumble under the pressure that was put on her shoulders. When Sabrina had offered herself for the Feast of Feasts, her heart had stopped and she had experienced what she'd later describe as an outer body experience. She would have liked to kill her niece for that alone, but the trouble just didn't seem to stop with this family.

They had taken in Prudence and instead of being thankful for not being elected herself, Sabrina started to attack Prudence for her personal beliefs determined to convince her otherwise. That had led to a whole lot of fighting between the two teen witches and while Zelda had tried to stay out of most of it, she had secretly hoped Sabrina would be a bit more like Prudence when it came to traditions.

The whole situation had been stressful enough without Sabrina making it worse. The day only got worse, when a crying Sabrina had reported the trip into woods with Ms. Wardwell. She had felt the desire to strangle the woman as she had brought more sorrow and heartache upon the family yet again.

So Zelda had spent most of the following day, trying to ignore the woman, who seemed to follow her everywhere. When she hadn't been the topic of discussion, Zelda had found herself thinking about her past interactions with the dark haired beauty and had shuddered every time her mind considered her beautiful.

So when the feast of feasts had finally been over and everybody had calmed down, she decided to pay Ms. Wardwell a visit. She had looked forward to it all day, even though she had tried to play it cool by telling herself she dreaded it, but deep down she had known that her heart would speed up by the simple sight of the other witch.

She had tried to make the whole situation better by denying the uninviting truth that she started to like the woman despite everything she had done, and turned the emotion into hate instead.

So when she found herself at her doorstep she almost turned around, acting as if she never had any intentions of talking to her. Her need to finally leave the woman in her past made her ring the doorbell instead.

She saw a dark figure appear in the glass door and when she looked into the more than just surprised face of Ms. Wardwell, her heart almost gave up on her.

"Ms. Spellman," Ms. Wardwell said and looked at her with her widened, but nevertheless beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm sorry for the late visit but I wanted to apologize for my behavior and felt it couldn't wait any longer," she said and dared to take a look at the witch in front of her. She began to blush at the sight of the blue blouse, which left little to the imagination, and her black skirt that hugged her curves perfectly.

Her eyes shot back up immediately and watched Ms. Wardwell try to cover a bit more of herself, however, she only made it worse.

"Do you want to come in, while I'll change into something more... fitting for the occasion," she asked and Zelda nodded, feeling immensely uncomfortable.

"You don't have to change because of me. Do what you're comfortable with," Zelda burst out and cursed herself immediately. How could she say something that sounded so... wrong?

"I'll be right back," a confused Ms. Wardwell said and disappeared into the direction of what Zelda assumed to be her bedroom. Zelda walked more into the middle of the wide living space and took in everything she could, feeling a dark aura surround that place but pushed it off. She wasn't there for another round of accusations.


I hope everything is okay so far. I know Mrs. Wardwell is many things but surprised in the show but well.. you'll have to wait and see.

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