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"That doesn't look too good," Hilda said after a short pause and looked at the severely bruised body of the brunette in worry. Truth be told, Mary looked even worse than last time and that had already been a close call. It would take some time for her to body to heal and strength to be gained.

"How bad?"

"Worse than last time," Hilda said and heard Mary sigh. What else was to be expected?

"Everything else would have been too easy, wouldn't it?" Mary asked and Hilda just shook her head, trying to keep in her laughter. She appreciated that Mary didn't panic and tried to find the positive in this situation.

"So what is my diagnosis, doc?"

"From what I can tell, you have at least two broken ribs, though not as badly as last time. Lots of cuts and bruises, some really deep ones, and your ankle is really swollen so it could be either sprained or worst case scenario; broken. I really hope it's not broken. That's the last thing we need right now," Hilda said and reached for the wet cloth and the bucket full of water.

"I think we need to stitch some of the cuts up," Hilda said and Mary sighed deeply.

"Do you have any experience in stitching up humans?" Mary asked and Hilda started to dab the wounds, making the brunette hiss in pain.

"Yeah, dead ones."

"Sounds promising. Who knows? Maybe I'll be dead after your attempt to stitch me up," Mary said and Hilda shot her one of her glances, letting her know she did not appreciate the sarcasm.

"I am just kidding."

"I know but I usually end up dead in a situation as such."

"Oh, I can do that too."

"I would like to see you try that. I am the woman with the painkillers."

"And you're also the one, who is currently pouring salt into my already opened wounds," Mary said and hissed as Hilda pressed the cloth against a particularly deep cut.

"I am sorry but I am trying my best to make it hurt as little as possible."

"I know."

Hilda wrung the bloodied cloth out and tended to the rest of the wounds until most of the blood had been washed off her body and the purple color was the only thing left behind. She dried off her hands on the few clean spots of her dress and reached for the needle and thread that had been placed nearby, in case they were needed, and searched for the numbing salve before she turned back to Mary.

"I don't know how well the numbing salve works. Last time we used it on you, you were unconscious and we couldn't really ask you if you felt something, so let's just hope for the best," Hilda said and smeared the thick cream across the few spots that needed stitches.

"I'll let you know if I feel anything," Mary said and really hoped the salve would do its job because she wasn't too keen on feeling the needle pierce through her skin every time a new stitch was placed.

"Did that hurt?" Hilda asked after she had pulled the needle through and didn't get any reaction from Mary, assuming it to be a positive sign.

"Did you already start?"


"Then no."


"You gotta be lucky in some sort," Mary said and the two of them chuckled softly as Hilda continued her work.

"Has Zelda always been this distant towards you?" Mary asked and didn't know if they had reached that point in their relationship, where they could talk about that sort of thing yet.

"Yes, but it has grown worse over the years. I am used to it by now though," Hilda said after a few seconds. The question had certainly caught her off guard and she didn't know whether or not she felt comfortable discussing it with Mary, given her relationship with her sister.

"It must be hard."

"It is but she's my sister. I know that deep down, she doesn't mean any harm. She just doesn't know how to express her feelings very well and has always been incredibly short tempered."

"Do you ever wish things were different?"

"Sometimes but not really. I love her with all her flaws. She wouldn't be Zelda if she hadn't all these quirks. I wouldn't want to miss any of it. Love is about accepting the other as they are, not wanting to change them."


A moment of silence broke loose and neither of them said something. Hilda kept stitching up all the cuts until there was nothing left to stitch up and put a thick layer of cream on the rest of them. She bandaged her ankle, making sure to stabilize it to the best of her abilities and decided that a cast was probably needed.

"I am sorry. I don't know where that came from," Mary said and Hilda just smiled at her sweetly.

"Don't worry. I don't mind it," Hilda said and looked at the rest of her body.

"You need to sit up. I need to wrap your upper body and rub the rest of your body with a healing lotion," Hilda said and helped Mary up.

She reached for the bandages and put them into the tincture before she wrapped them around Mary tightly. Neither of the women felt exactly comfortable with the close proximity of the other but they were well aware of how necessary it was.

"You'll have to take a medical bath sooner rather than later but I think you'll be fine for today," Hilda said and finished wrapping her up and helped the brunette to lie back down.

"Thank you."

"There is nothing to thank me for."

"Yes, there is. Without you, I don't think either Zelda or I would be here."

"I am sure you would have found another way to do it, even without my help," Hilda said, brushing the praise off.

"No, I don't think so. I really appreciate your help and I don't think your family quite realizes how lucky they are to have you. This would have turned out much differently if you hadn't been there."

"You're welcome," Hilda said and patted Mary's arm lovingly before she stood up, ready to take care of her sister.



"Would you mind putting some clothes on me?" Mary said, making Hilda, who had expected another deep question, laugh quietly.

"Of course. How could I forget?" Hilda said and with the snap of her fingers, Mary was dressed in a comfortable pajama.

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