Part 1, Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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I sat outside of the station S.H.I.E.L.D had me covering with Phil Coleson and My brother Clint, I was taking in the night sky, to be honest I hated it here it was too hot and dry from my liking....but the night sky, seeing the stars and the ever beautiful radiating moon calmed me. I sighed and laid back as soon as i got comfortable and half asleep i heard a loud crash in the distance and saw an explosion West of the little town we were currently surveying, since there was a man we needed to keep and eye on. His name was Thor from what Jane Foster had told me, but it seemed a fellow scientist of hers was trying to convince us that his name was Donald...something or another..... i didn't really care... I trusted jane and she told me i owed her for the stats she had gotten for me in the london event a year ago, and she was developing feelings for this man so i kept her secret with me and never told anyone. I met the man two nights ago... he was after something we had found in the desert....i looked like a large hammer but noone could make sence from it....noone could lift it and it had large amounts of radiation comming from it, but it looked oddly familiar to me.

I sat up and looked in the distance where i saw the explosion and sighed, "better go see what it is...." i said as i ran from the site, in no time I has reached the site seeing a old nordic symbol on the ground, i reconized it from my old books of myths mom read to me as a child. "An asgardian symbol......"  i said to myself. I noticed it dissapear as soon as i said the words and i looked around, "hmm....interesting....." i whispered, I stopped when I saw Phil Coleson's car approaching the scene. I put my hand to my face and shook my head, i loved phil but on occasion, for some reason he just really knew how to piss me off, "hello agent barton... why are you here? you know your not supposed to leave the site.... surely we don't want to repeat any more mistakes now do we... if you remember correctly... you had one last change before you are discharged...". I clenched my teeth and nodded, i put on a fake smile, "oh yes sir...... i'm sorry i was just looking at the scenery since my shift was over and my brother took over.....i didnt know i couldnt go off base when i was off duty...".

He furrowed his eyebrows and got back in the car, "fine..... but don't let me catch you again......" he said as he drove off, I smiled and waved, "asshole...." i said through a forced smile. I sighed and heard a laugh from behind me, i turned and looked into the emerald green eyes of a tall pale skinned, black haired man who was wearing some kind of strange armor. I looked at him shocked but kept my defense up, "where did you come from?" i said, he looked at he strangely, "you can see me mortal...?", "well yes....i mean you are right in front of me......." i said sarcastically. He glared at me and the staff he was holding lit up,"i'am a a mere mortal.... you have no quarrel with me....and if you do i'll kill you here and now.....". "really?" i laughed, "we'll see...." i said as my body lit up in green flames my eyes glowing a golden color, i saw a hint of amusement on his face but it was quickly gone as he shot a stream of energy at me. I jumped into the air and proceeded to shower him with fireballs, but he quickly dodged them and knocked me to the ground, i looked up and saw 6 of him aiming the staffs at me. "you are not as bad as i thought you would be...mortal.....i won't kill you.....yet... i'll come back for you soon enough....but for now i have matters i must attend to....thank you for that bit of fun....." he turned back into one man and i sighed as he helped me up i stumbled and he caught me. I looked up into his eyes and blushed, he grinned and kissed my hand before a large rainbow colored light enveloped him and he dissapeared. 

I stood there till dawn trying to process what had happened but, i noticed if i didn't get back i was going to have to hear it from Clint and Coleson....and trust me i didnt want to after having no sleep. I quickly ran back and i stopped when i saw phil and clint talking, they stopped and looked at me, clint walked over, "whats wrong you look like someone just backed over you with a truck.....", i glared at him, "thank you clint...but i was busy surveying an explosion site last night thats why im late... i havent slept any....." i siad weakly. He sighed, "i'll take your shift......" he said smiling, "goto my room and sleep.....", "but clint you had the night shift thats not fair to you......" he put an arm around me and smiled, "im used to it ive had to stay up for 3 days in a row at one time....don't worry i'll be go..." he said as he pushed me into his tent and shut the door. I sighed and plopped down onto the bed and quickly fell asleep and i dremt of the strange man i met out in the desert last night and those beautiful green eyes of his.


please leave me a comment on what you think!

-Many hugs-


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