Part 2, Chapter 2: Assault

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I sat in the room for what seemed to be forever, i sighed annoyed, i knew i couldn't use, my powers in here since they had some kind of blocker on me. I slammed my fist against the metal table and it split and fell over, i looked over and laughed and then placed a hand over my face. I was so angry the fact i had found him and we are separated again, I sighed and looked over to the window, to see Thor walking in, He had on a casual outfit, a dark red shirt, jeans and shoes. He sat across from me and spoke, "Lillian....i know you remember me..... ", i looked at him, the sight of him infuriated me and i know he noticed it,"please don't habor any ill will towards me.......i'am here to help loki....". "as i remember the last time i saw fought loki......then loki and i fell into the vortex.........i saw no help there......" i glared at him, "lillian please....i just want to take back to he can't hurt anymore midgardians...... himself....or you.....". I sighed and looked at him, "i couldn't even stop him in Asgard what makes you think i can do it now!", thor smiled and touched my hand, "because from what i've seen he still loves you even through all of that..... maybe he will consiter if you go with me to speak to him". I sighed and knew this was a bad idea but, if it would help loki i would go, "fine......but one question....what will happen when he goes back to asgard......". I then saw the smile fade from thor's face, "Father will judge him...... and he will be banished.......from asgard.....mostly likely on Joutenheim or Midgard......till father thinks he has changed for the good...." , I frowned and felt a hand on my shoulder, i looked at thor and he gave me a reassuring smile, "it'll will be fine my me...." He said as he lead me to the containment area. 

We slowly walked up the stairs and i could see loki sitting in the middle of the cage his eyes fixed to the floor,"Brother..." thor spoke as he got to the top of the stairs. "look who it is......the worthy son.......why are you here......" he said coldly as he stood up, "brother stop this madness...... come home..... theres nothing here you need...... these people are innocent....fath-", "FATHER DOESN'T WANT ME HOME!!! HE WANTS ME TO COME BACK TO BE JUDGED!!!! I'm not going to go anywhere......i'll kill every miserable human in this realm until theres only me and lillian left.......then i'll go......". "did you even think about lillian....her friends and family.....what about them!" thor yelled at loki, a smile spread across his face, "i'm sure lillian...wouldn't ca-", "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" i yelled as i walked up behind thor, they both stopped and looked at me. "what would you have me do! the both of you! You both make me feel as if iam a ralldoll and you children...your both tugging at each of my arms till i rip apart!", they both looked at me shocked and a grin slowly crept across lokis face as i confronted thor. "and as i told you in the other room.....the last time i tried to help i lost him....and i won't make that mistake again......", i glared at him i then turned to loki, "and you....... you left me for a year and 3 months ALONE knowing i was alive.... don't you ever do that again!". He stood up and walked towards the wall of the cage and he looked down at me his gaze intencely set apon me, "know your place lillian........i will finish my plans...... you will not command me..... its is i who command you....i'am the one who helped you find out who you were... iam the one who loves you...i am your first and your are my queen and i your king......and iam the one that rules you do you UNDERSTAND!" he said as he slammed his fist against the thick glass of the cage in front of me making it crack, i backed away alittle from him, the man i had fell in love with wasn't there anymore, the man i had standing before me fightened me. "In the will always submit to me... i can see it in your eyes....", i stood there my eyes locked with his unemotional ones tears pricked my eyes and i turned away and left, thor reached to stop me but i pushed his hand away, i walked back to my room and slammed the door behind me. 

I paced for hours wondering what should i do, i still loved loki but what he had became was frightening, but his last words to me echoed in my mind, 'In the end you will always submit to me.......I can see it in your eyes.....'. He wasn't lying, I knew within myself i would do as he told me even if it hurt me, i don't know how he had this hold on me but, i didn't fight it, because being with him even as he is now, made me happy. I growled and sighed as i placed my face in my hands, i then walked to the bathroom to take a shower, i felt disgusting, i hadn't had a shower since yesterday. i turned on the water and stood under it for 4 hours till the water turned ice cold, i sighed and walked out with a towel around me. My hair instantly dried and i slipped into a pair of black shorts and a black v-neck shirt, i looked outside and saw the moon, i smiled and it faded as i remembered the moment we stood on the balcony in asgard. I shook it off and walked out of the room, i saw natasha pass me,"that monster....." she whispered, as she walked to her room crying from the direction of loki's cage, i looked at her strangely, i then turned and walked towards loki's containment area. 

I slowly walked up the stairs and saw him pacing he was looking at his nails and messing with them, he stopped when he noticed my presence. "you can come in......i know your there lilli......" he said coldly, i walked up the remaining steps and walked towards him, he met me at the glass and i looked at him. "iam..sorry....for yelling at you....." i said sadly as i touched the glass, he placed his hand where mine was and looked at me, "i know...... i could tell by your face as you walked in.....". "it's just that.....a year with out you.....was unbearable......" i said as i began to cry, he knelt down in front of me and i looked at him a flicker of hurt shown in his green eyes, "the only thing that matters is that we are together now.......but i just don't understand....." i whispered. " it that troubles you...." he said as he looked at me, "how could i fall so in love with you so fast......." i cried, he smiled, "because..... you spent 3 days with me or 3 months on earth.......but on asgard it was the equivalent of 3 years worth of time.......and i had a profound effect on you thats how your heart became mine so easily.....". I looked at my him and smiled, i walked over to the control panel and looked at the controls for the cage, he watched me curiously, "do you know how to let me out......" he said as i looked over the panel. "yes i do.........i'm wondering if i can override the controls......i have to have a S.H.I.E.L.D ID card to authorize my use of this...but...they took my I.D since they knew i was connected to you....". "Well..hurry my dear..... because my plans are being set in seems the beast is waking up.....", I then heard bruce yell, i knew he was changing, i quickly took my hand and destroyed the keyslot and the door to loki's cage unlocked and opened, he smiled and stood in the doorway, "good girl....." he said before thor ran up the stairs. 

Thor looked to me and then loki, "you released him...why..." he said to me, i smiled and said nothing, he looked to loki and charged after him, "brother you will not escape!" he said as he lunged towards loki, loki flickered and thor passed through him. the door shut and i felt loki put and arm around me from behind and pull me to him, ".....interesting.....the humans think us invincible brother.....lets test that shall we....." he said as he pressed the button across from us, the cage fell throught the floor and plumited down to the earth below us. Loki lived his hand and his scepter flew to him, "shall we go...." he said as we jumped though the hole in the floor, we fell through the sky and we disapeared and reappeared in a old lab i remembered working in acouple years ago. "why are we here.........." i said as i followed him to an area i saw men working on what looked like a gate,  "We are gathering the gate to take to stark tower so i can let the chitauri pass into this realm....." he said as he approached Erik who looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. i looked at him and watched as him and loki discussed how long it would take to set up the tesseract gate and get it open,i saw a smile spread across his face, as he looked to who was walking up behind me, i turned and saw clint, his eyes a blue and black distortion. Clint looked at me and hugged me, "glad to have you back sis....." he said before walking to loki, "Agent Barton.......goto new york and insure we will have no distactions......faliure isn't an option....", "understood sir......" he said as he walked out. 

I watched clint as he walked out and i felt a pair of arms envelop me, i smiled and placed my hands over lokis, i felt his lips touch my neck and it sent shivers up my spine it had been so long since he had held me. He smiled and turned my head towards him and kissed me, "ahem....sir..." we stopped and looked back, loki was extremely aggrivated, "there better be a good reason for this intrusion..." he growled and he let go of me. "we are ready to move the tessaract and the the stark tower.....clint has disabled all sensors on the building......", "then do it and inform me when its completed....." he said annoyed. He came back to me, "shall we my look exausted....", i blushed as he lifted me into his arms, he took me to his room and laid me down on the bed, I smiled up at him as he lowered his face to mine and kissed me. He then laidnext to me and held me close, i laid here and listen to his heartbeat and enjoyed the moment while i could because i had a foreboding feeling it wouldn't last long.

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