Part 2, Chapter 3: Let the War Begin

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I awoke the next morning dazed, I yawned and stopped when i felt a pair of arms holding me close, I looked back and saw a slumbering loki behind me. I smiled, I had forgotten I had been reunited with him, but I couldn't shake the feeling that i will be torn from him again and i couldn't bare the thought of it. I pulled a strand of hair from his face and smiled, i then saw his eyes open quickly and focus on me, i saw a grin creep slowly across his face as he flipped us, he was over me looking down at me his eyes scanning over my body. I felt his lips brush against my neck,my eyes rolled back and i moaned, he grinned and whispered as he began to untie the back of my corset, " much you want me..... how much you crave me.....". I blushed and looked at him, "Loki...I....." i was soon cut off by a loud crash outside our room, He quickly jumped off me and i waved my hand and the corset tightened back up before i got up to follow him. 

We exited the room to see the gate on being loaded and taken out of the building, i sighed and laughed, loki looked at me, "i thought it was something horribly wrong..." i said while laughing. He smiled amused at my laughter, i noticed loki's attention turn to erik who was walking towards us, "yes......" loki said as he looked down at erik, " we're ready to transport the gate.....", "where is barton...", "the avengers took him.......". I looked at loki and saw the distain spread across his face, "if i didn't need you to activate the gate i'd kill you where you stand! now hurry and transport the gate!" he yelled, erik nodded nervously and  walked away. I felt loki take my hand and help me into the black SUV infront of us, as he got in and shut the door, i looked at him, "loki...why are we taking a car?". He smiled, "less...attention..will be drawn to and you just flying to the tower....would be an obvious move..... ", "then what will we do....", he smiled and pulled me to him, "thats where i'll need you my dear.... you will teleport the gate to the top of stark tower while i cloak you from the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D....then selvig will link up the tessatract and then at dawn...the war begins....and we shall conquor this world.....together.."  he said before kissing me. I smiled and the car came to a halt, "shall love.." he said as we exited the car, i walked over to the gate and placed my hand on it. 

He came over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder and a flash of blue light and the world around me was distorted like i was underwater, "go now..." loki  said to me, i closed my eyes and teleported, to the top of the tower, i placed the gate down and flicked my hand, i then took my flames and wielded the gate to the tower. When i finished the cloak dissapeared and erik began the opening of the portal, loki smiled at me and kissed me on the top of my head, "good girl.....". I smile and watch loki as he tells erik what you put into the computer to open the gate for the chitauri.

Dawn came quicker than I expected, i watched as the sun came over the horizon, i heard the gate begin to open and i turned and watched as a blue beam shoot into the sky. The clouds began to swirl and a low rumbling came from beyond them, a black hole opened and a army of frightening creatures poured into the city from below i could hear buliding falling and people screaming. I looked to loki who was laughing and looked so amused, "let the war for midgard...begin" he said coldly as a golden light surrounded him and he changed into his asgardian armor, he looked to me and the light surrounded me and i was also in my armor. with his staff in one hand and his other arm free he grabbed my waist and kissed me, "isn't it beautiful..the screaming...the pain......the demise of this lowly mortal world......and soon all shall bow to us....anyone who stands in our way shall die....isn't that queen....". I blushed and felt as if i had butterflies in my stomach, " love....." i said as i watched the chitauri rip through the city, he lifted me into his arms and he walked onto a floating throne flown by one of the chitauri,he sat in the throne with me on his lap and the staff still in his right hand. He slammed the staff down and we flew into the city, watching the destruction, i looked down to see captain america and black widow fighting the chitauri warriors, i looked around wondering where everyone else was. I stopped as i heard the bending of a bow, i smiled, 'clint' i thought to myself, the arrow was released and i quickly laid back across lokis lap and he put a hand up to catch the arrow, i looked up and saw him smiling as he held the arrow, i saw it flash and my eyes widened. "lok-" before i could get the words out it exploded and we were separated.

I landed on the ground unharmed and saw loki back on stark tower his brother in front of him, i  anxiously watched as the two began to fight, suddenly i saw loki stab thor and i could have for a split second see a tear fall from lokis eye. I hovered into the air and stopped when i heard clint draw back another arrow, i looked over and smiled at him, i flicked my hand and my body became engulfed in flames. He smiled and released the arrow, i quickly dodged and came after him, "clint abort!!!" i heard natasha say as i came after him. I laughed and twisted my had and the flames formed into a dagger, i bolted down towards him and he jumped off the building, "Come on clint you can do better than that!" i screamed as i raised the dagger, he smirked and took out an arrow and shot it at me, i felt as the tip peirced the skin on my right hip, i held my side and felt blood trickle down my side, i growled and went after him again this time i stopped when a large green fist hit me knocking me into the building behind me and sending me out the other side. I stopped mid air and saw hulk charging after me, i smiled and place a barrier between me and him, "come on you large green idiot...." i said as i watched him jump out of the building and towards me. With his fist raised he hit the barrier face first and fell through the sky but was luckly caught by the large flying chitauri thor was already fighting. 'wait...thor....' i thought to myself, i looked for loki but with no sign of him, i began to panic, i looked to stark tower and saw him talking to tony, not in his armor but casually dressed, then i saw him grab tony and throw him from the window, not long after a case flew out after tony and soon enough he was in his suit. I watched as hulk jumped from the creature and grabbed tony then went after loki. 

"hey!!! crazy bitch up here!" i heard tony yell, i turned and glared at him, "that wasn't very nice you always talk to the ladies you meet like that......." i said as i turned to him. "your not a lady......ladies don't try to take over her own home or kill a man she grew up with or fall in love with the bad are a bitch.....", I shrugged, " got me...... i'm a bitch.....but would you really fight a girl...." i grinned but it slowly faded as he raised his hand and shot at me, i quickly dodged and looked at him. "alright......then...." i whispered as we both flew through the city fighting one another, "you know tony this really isn't fair....a big strong man like you...fighting little old me... maybe you should focus on the big problem......", "and what is that........." i smiled and pointed at the second wave of chitauri trying to come through the portal, "shit...." he said before splitting away from me. I smiled and then looked back at stark tower and didn't see loki, i flew over there quickly after seeing the destruction hulk had made where loki was and i landed in the window. "loki......" i yelled as i looked around, "hmm..." i heard a weak voice say from below me, i looked down and saw him battered and brused. He could barely move and his face in shock, "loki... oh my god.....what happened" i said as i kneeled next to him, "that large green beast is what could a large oaf like him weaken a mighty me......" he said through strained breaths. "thats not important.....whats important is getting you well....." i placed my hand on his chest and a warm golden light began to pulsate from me, he placed his hand weakly on mine and watched me. "stop right there......" i heard someone say, me and loki looked up and saw all of the avengers surrounding us "shit..." i whispered.


the next chapter is the last chapter of book 1 :) book 2 will start tomorrow.

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