23. Epilogue: Ten Years

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I can't believe that I forgot to add this! This is the final part of the novel and I hope it brings you all joy and closure!


"Principal Harvey, there's a delivery for you" my assistant Julie informed me, walking a bouquet of red poppies and white roses across my office. I knew that they were for our anniversary, a sappy smile immediately plastered across my face.

"These are beautiful, are they from Quinn, my favorite silver fox?" she asked sweetly, setting the heavy glass vase down on the edge of my mahogany desk.

I flipped open the card which read

"You're getting flowers for this one. I still like you, and definitely love you. Meet me at Elaine's tonight at seven after your meeting. Happy anniversary xxx."

"Yeah, it's our ten year anniversary" I told her happily, running the smooth petals between my fingers.

"Oh my god, congratulations! I can't keep a boyfriend for more than a few months. How did you pull it off?" she laughed, seeming kind of embarrassed as she pushed her curly blonde hair behind her ear.

I pulled out a piece of chocolate from my desk and gave it to her, remembering all too well the frustration and anxieties of my mid twenties. The push to get everything done on some arbitrary, societally pressured timeline. Not knowing made life seem long and lonely. Hindsight always made things seem rose colored and hazy, completely unlike the veritable shit-show that they really were.

Truth be told, I just happened to find someone who I genuinely liked and continued to like through all of life's transitions.

"Thank you. Honestly, if you didn't organize my life then nothing would get done. Everyone has their own path to take to get to their end goal. Not everyone's goal is the same so don't be too hard on yourself, seriously.

Just be open to stuff, you'll always get more than what you bargained for. Want to go out for lunch, my treat?" I told her, the sage and matronly emotions exuding from me; all that I had wanted someone to be for me when I was her age.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, let's do that Peruvian grill down the street. It always smells so amazing when I walk..." she exclaimed, buttoning her coral pink cardigan and rushing out mid sentence to answer the phone.

I sat back in my chair, the memory foam sinking beneath my shoulders. My mind might not have felt like I was in my forties, but my body definitely did. I tapped a button on the side to firm it up so I didn't lose any momentum to the urge to nap. The amount of paper work and concise detailing that went into running a school was mind boggling but I was up to the task as long as I had plenty of caffeine.

Two years after we moved in together I decided to pursue a doctorate in education management. I absolutely loved my job as a therapist at the Gilligan school, and when the position of principal opened up, I took a leap of faith and interviewed. It was very much a learn as you go type situation, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.

I was now a doctor of education, and it was something that made me immensely proud. Everyday I have the opportunity to serve students and make certain that their education and mental health are paramount and work together in harmony.

Quinn patiently proofread all of my papers, made dinner or ordered out on my late school nights, excitedly listened to me talk about what I was learning, and proudly introduced me as his partner: Doctor Harvey.

Seventeen years of knowing Quinn. Thirteen of that being in a committed relationship. Sure, our life wasn't without its trials or sadness but I wouldn't give it up or change how I got here at all. I gathered up my coat and purse and told Julie to put the phone on hold, she needed a good lunch and a friend. 

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