Home and Destruction

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Darting through the dark blue waters, the little great white gave off a contented sigh. Countless fish swam back and forth, playing a harmless game of catch around the vibrant coral reefs. A thriving and beautiful ecosystem, something the little shark was proud to be a part of. Swishing her tail vigorously, she joined in, bubbling with joy as she chased little fishes around the reef.

Hearing her mother's call, Tide swam to her mother, eager to hunt for lunch with her family.  However, she soon slowed to a stop. Large shadows slid along the water surface, closing in on her family. Squinting her eyes at the looming shapes, a sense of dread consumed her. Realizing that her family had yet to notice the ominous figures, Tide called out to her mother.

It was too late. Flittering around in panic, Tide sped towards her mother who was trashing about the water's surface. "Mama!" Tide cried, overcome with a sense of helplessness as she tried to tug her distressed mother away. Looking up, she saw two unknown creatures reaching towards her mother, what appeared to be their fins held a sharp shiny object. With renewed vigor, she tried to lead her mother away from the dangers, only to fail as the gleaming hook stubbornly held the shark in place. "Save yourself Tide." Her mother called, urging her daughter to swim way. Tide shook her head, eyes widening in horror when crimson stained the clear waters red.

"I won't leave you!" Tide floated beside her mother, struggling to support her. "I can no longer swim my child." Eyes gleaming with sadness, the injured great white nudged her daughter away. "I will be leaving very soon."

"NO! You can't leave me. Please..." Tide begged, refusing to leave her mother's side. The great white smiled ruefully, eyes closing in sadness. With her last breath, she whispered,

"I'm sorry."

Tide stumbled as a strong force blew her away from her mother. The shadows skimmed across the waters at the speed of light, vanishing after a few seconds. Regaining her composure, she looked for her mother. Turning, she saw her mother, along with the rest of her family, sinking into the depths, blood streaming from their open wounds. Despair washed over her at the sight, breaking her tiny heart. Crying out for help, she raced along the currents, pleading for this to be a dream.

Up ahead, what appeared to be a school of jellyfish floated aimlessly about. Rushing towards them she was met with various objects, all in different shapes and sizes. Wearily navigating through the white maze, she came across an old manta ray. "Please help me sir," Tide panted. "Some weird creatures killed my family. I have nowhere to go now."

"You must be referring to the creatures of the land young one." The manta ray spoke sullenly. "We will have to leave dear child. I'm afraid that these objects have destroyed our home. Follow me. We shall search for a new one."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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