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Peter's POV-
I gasped, awakening myself from my sleep in a cold sweat. I sat up, bones cracking in my back from lying on the floor.
"Nice beauty sleep? Remind me again... is it Parker or Stark?" He asked sarcastically. I looked down and stayed quiet.
"What do you want?" I sighed.
"Don't talk unless you're spoken to, Stark. And I just need to show you a little video." I narrowed my eyes and looked up to the screen. It wasn't the Tower this time, it was a big centre, it kind of looked like this one.
"I don't... I..." I stuttered. "What?"
There was a kid sitting in the middle, he was crying. He did look like me a little bit. Loki walked into the room, I looked up at him. This was prerecorded obviously. He was going to kill the kid... "No... you didn't... he's just a child... like me." My eyes widened. Loki took out a gun and shot him in the head. I looked away and breathed faster, I might be Spiderman but I've never actually killed anyone. Never mind anyone who was innocent.
"How could you do that?!" I yelled. Loki just stayed quiet. "No! He was just a kid!" I ran over to the bars and banged on them. "How could you?! I want my dad! Let me go!" I began to just spiral, screaming and shouting even though I knew it wouldn't help.
"LET ME GO! DAD! HELP ME!" I screamed louder.
"Listen kid. We need to come to some sort of agreement, I can't let you do that so either you stop or I'll make you." I jumped and turned around.
"Just let me go, Loki. Please! Let me go! I didn't do anything! Please! Please!" I cried. He grabbed my arm, definitely leaving bruises.
"Stop that. Now." He warned.
"I can't stay here forever! You can't make me! My dad will find me!" Before I knew it I was pinned against the wall. I squirmed. "Get away from me!" I started to cry again. He held my wrists forcefully in place. I slunk down the wall but my hands were still above me. "Let go!" I screamed.
"I'll be back when you have calmed down." Loki replied simply.
He moved his hand so that both of my wrists were held with only one of his hands. He used the free hand to shove something down my throat.
"MMMMHH!" I groaned.
"Yeah, yeah. Be back soon, just call me if you need me. Oh, that's right, you can't." He laughed, using magic to pin my hands above me. He left the room and I struggled to free myself, unsuccessfully might I add. I kept fighting for what felt like forever until I just gave up and decided to stop. I would rather be dead than stay here for any longer...

Stark's POV-
I found it! The proof! Peter could still be alive! The kid who is supposed to be "Peter" was shot on the left side of the head, whereas in the video, Peter was shot on the right. I leapt up and ran into the living room.
"Natasha! Look!" I was surprised to see her and Steve sitting there, alongside them was Banner.
"Tony... I think you should sit down." Banner said quickly.
"Guys. I found proof! Peter's alive! Look! I..." I was interrupted.
"Sit." Natasha glared.
I looked at them and sat down slowly in the sofa opposite them.
"Okay. Tony... sometimes, after a tragedy, people, especially the parent, can become obsessed with the reality. So, even though Peter is... is dead, you clearly are just hallucinating about the truth, you're only believing what you want to believe... But it will take time to come to terms with..."
"Banner. You're a scientist right? Okay. So if my Peter was shown being shot in the right side of the head... why does Not Peter have a bullet hole in the left?" I asked loudly. The three exchanged looks before coming to the realisation.
"Oh my God. You're right." Natasha said, looking shocked.
"Yeah, yeah. I knew that." I smiled. "But where is my kid then? How can I find him?" My smile disappeared.
I got more sad stares. I sighed.
"We're going to find him." Steve said, suddenly standing up.
"I'm on it already, I'm going to the lab." Banner added.
"I'm going to tell the rest of the team." Natasha replied. "We'll find him, Tony. We'll find him..."

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