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"Don't leave me here again! Please! There's a body on the floor! Don't leave me with him!" My kid begged.
"Remember when I said about consequences? Maybe next time you'll learn your lesson. Sleep." Loki demanded.
"I'm not tired..." An obviously sleep-deprived Peter replied.
"Really? You're going to make me use the gun for the third time?" I looked over to Ned.
"I'm not making you...I want my dad... please I have to... I wanna see him... I want my dad..." Wow, I didn't think my heart could physically shatter. The truth is, I need to see him.
"I'm going to say hello to your precious father very soon."
"No! No! You can't! PLEASE! DON'T HURT MY DAD!" Peter begged, I could hear the rattling of chains.
"Turn your head to the side, it won't hurt as much." There was a thump and then Peter's crying stopped abruptly.
I whacked the table in front of me and Ned flinched. "I'm sorry. This is... I don't know... it's..."
"Bullshit." Ned finished for me.

An hour later-
Banner ran in the room. Loki hadn't said anything, the only noise was Peter's slow breathing. Ned was reading a comic book.
"Bruce? News? Come on! He's coming for me!" I yelled.
"We got him! We know where he is, the only place that wasn't reported back to us was the abandoned building on Coil Street. That must be where he is!" Banner exclaimed excitedly. For the first time in four days, my eyes lit up.
"Call the team, tell them to suit up." I ran to my room and got changed into my Ironman suit. Ned was standing in the living room, he and Banner were going to stay in the van outside just in case. The team, except Thor, appeared at the Tower within fifteen minutes. We left straight away, I went in the van with them, trying to contain myself. All the fucking pain he put me through went around my brain in circles.
"Tones? Calm down. We can't save Peter if you're so worked up." Steve called over from across the dim-lit van. I nodded and stood up as soon as the van stopped. We had been discussing a plan the whole ride there. Steve and I were going to distract Loki, while Nat and Clint went to find Peter. We walked in silently. Nat and Clint went around to find a back exit. It was eerily silent, the building was completely deserted and there were just cells everywhere. I looked around stealthily, I prayed that this would work.
"Loki?" I called out. "Loki?!"
I have to admit, I was caught off guard when Loki appeared right in front of my face. We had decided to pretend that I still believed Peter was dead.
"How could you?! You killed my kid!" I screamed. He just smiled.
"How did you find me, Stark?" Loki spoke in the same cold tone as he used when threatening my Peter.
"It was easy, there's not a lot of abandoned places to hide here." I lied. It seemed to have done the trick though.
I fired up my blasters, and aimed them at him. He just walked towards me.
"You killed my son. I'm going to kill you!" I yelled. I shot the repulsers at him and was taken aback when he actually fell to the ground, I assumed he was just cloned.
"Any last words?" I snarled.
"I had fun..." He took in a shaky breath and continued. "Torturing you and little Peter..." He closed his eyes. Anger tore through me.
I shot at him again.
"Tony! Stop!" Steve grabbed my arm.
"Peter!" I ran down the endless corridors looking in each cell.
"PETER!" I screamed out. "PETER!"
I heard muffled crying. I stopped right in front of a small, extremely dark cell. Peter's scared eyes turned to face me. He was mumbling words under his breath.
"Jesus...Jesus!" I yelled. I shot at the lock and the door burst open. I ran over to him and undid the strap around his neck first. He was scarred...badly. His entire neck was red, it was obviously tied extremely tight. But the worst thing was the bruises on his face, his cheeks were swollen and purple. It made me feel sick. I untied the gag next. I took out the drip from his arm.
"Dad? Dad...please...please..." He didn't even know what he was begging for, maybe just to be okay again.
"Shh shh... it's okay... focus on me." I mumbled. I moved onto the next straps and unlocked them quickly. I grabbed Peter and lifted him into my arms.
"You're gonna be okay kid. I swear. I got you." I whispered, holding him close to me. My arms were around his back. I walked out of the cell and down to the front door. The kid was worryingly light and completely limp. His eyes were opening and closing tiredly but he kept his grip on my top. As soon as I opened the door, Peter's eyes shut tight.
"Too...too bright." He groaned.
"Okay, okay, that's fine." I soothed. I kicked the door open to the van. The other avengers looked at the kid with complete sadness but didn't say anything to us. Peter still hid his eyes.
"Turn the light off." I whispered. Steve didn't say anything in return but hit the switch anyways. I laid him in my arms and he snivelled into my shirt. The light in there was so dim that obviously he would have to adjust to regular light again. I touched his bruised face lightly, dragging my fingers gently over the bumpy skin.
"I'm so sorry kid. I'm so sorry." I mumbled quietly to him. "I love you, I'm so so sorry." It was mostly silent, the ride back, Peter kept mumbling things to himself. Things that made me feel so awful.
"Knew...knew you'd come...knew it...don't let me go..." He whispered. And then the worst one, "Why didn't you save me?" He clung even tighter to my top. The words were so quiet, I was surprised I even heard them at all.
"I'm sorry. So sorry kid. I tried so hard but I couldn't. I love you. I'm so so sorry." I dragged my fingers through his hair. The van drove for miles until we reached the Tower again. Peter had to go to the lab to be looked over, the lights were already off, I brought him down and lay beside him in the bed. It took maybe a second before Peter fell asleep, he was clearly exhausted. I was in the middle of thanking God for my kid being okay when Banner touched my shoulder.
"Yeah?" I asked quietly, as if not to wake my already sleeping kid.
"Tony... I... I feel like it was too easy. Loki is... a criminal mastermind and a God, and it took two shots to kill him? You have to see where I'm coming from." He stated, the more I thought about it, the more of a possibility it became.
"Bruce. My kid is sleeping but he has enhanced hearing, please just focus on helping him, I know it's a possibility, him being alive. Please. Just help Peter." I sighed. Bruce nodded.
"Okay... okay. But I need to do tests on Peter, I think he might've sprained his wrists, and maybe broken a collar bone." Now it was my turn to nod. I stood up and grabbed a blanket from the ironing cupboard, I walked over and wrapped it around Peter. I touched his shoulder lightly.
"Kid? Hey... wake up."  He jolted forward and stared back at me, ignoring the obvious pain through the bright lights.
"Dad?" Peter's eyes started to well up. I leant over him and hugged him.
"I'm here... I'm right here. You don't have to be scared anymore..."

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