Life gets better...

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Six days went by...
Peter's POV-
I was sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, beside Dad of course. Nat was on the other side of me and Steve and Bucky were beside Dad. Dinner was amazing, like always when Steve cooks it. We all sat there, completely content with being silent, I'm still taking my medicine of course. Dad says I have to. A metallic clunk came from the down the hall, followed by distant yelling.
"It's done... it's done! IT'S DONE!" It got closer and closer. Banner ran through the door. "Tony it's finished!"
"YES! FINALLY!" Dad yelled, yanking me into a loving hug.
"What's ready?" I asked, feeling excited at his happy tone.
"The serum, you're gonna be fixed!" He exclaimed, still clinging to me. My eyes widened in excitement, this is it. It's really happening! I hugged back harder.
"Let's go then! What are you waiting for?!" Bruce shouted, gesturing for us to follow out and down the hall. Natasha, Steve and Bucky smiled at me and wished me luck. We walked down the seemingly ceaseless corridors, but a weird sensation took over me. Fear.
"Dad? Is it gonna hurt?" I whispered to him.
"Not sure yet kid. We can deal with it together, as always." He patted my back. We entered the science lab, I hopped up onto the bed in the middle and swung my legs to the side. Dad sat up beside me.
"Banner? How do you even know it'll work?" He sighed.
"Tony. I've done hours of testing, making sure it's completely safe. You know I'd never hurt you or Peter. There's not even a possibility of any side-effects." Bruce said, transfixed by the needle in his hand filled with dark purple liquid. I stiffened at the sight of the injection, I knew Dad sensed it too because he gripped my hand in his.
"It'll be quick, right?" Dad asked.
"Of course Tony." Banner replied plainly. Dad stood up but kept his hand in mine, he moved around to the side and made me lie down. Bruce came to my arm, which was still bruised pretty badly, nowhere near as horrible as before though. He pricked it into the flesh and my eyes closed involuntarily. He inserted it into my blood stream and I gasped, taking in a short breath.
Dad ruffled my hair and smiled down at me.
"You're doing so well! So so well..." He encouraged me. I let out the breath and opened my eyes to meet his.
"Done. Just give it a few hours or so to kick in." Bruce said, pulling out the needle and tossing it to side.
"Thank you." I smiled at him. He grinned back at me before standing up again.
Dad put his arm under my back and helped me up. I stood shakily and walked back into the kitchen, dad's arm still underneath my shoulder.
"Kid! Are you okay?" Nat asked.
"Yes. I should be better soon." I smiled.
"Thank God." She mumbled.

Tony's POV-
We sat on the sofa watching Christmas films, all of Peter's favourites of course. Home Alone had just finished when Peter jolted forward, panic set in. I put my hand on his back and helped him to steady himself.
"What's wrong?" I asked quickly, pulling his face up gently to look at me. I examined his eyes and breathing.
"Nothing. I...I don't know... I feel weird." He gasped.
"Maybe it's the serum." I said hopefully.
"Ah...ow... yeah." He whined.
"Are you in pain?" I frowned.
"A...a little but... I... I'm fine." He smiled as best as he could. He suddenly loosened up, his breathing returned to normal and he leant back on my arm.
"I'm fine now." He said happily.
"Good." I rubbed his shoulders, that's when I noticed it.
"Pet...Peter? What's with your arms?" I stammered. He looked down too and began to smile.
"They're...they're healing!" He said excitedly, he was right. The skin on his arm was returning to the usual pale white, the dark blue bruises were fading away. He stood up and yanked me off the sofa too. I lifted him up easily and hugged him tight. My fingers ran through his hair and I seen the tears of joy trickling down his face.
"Aw c'mere." I smiled, placing his feet firmly on the ground again.
"Things will get better now." I promised. And they did, Peter told everyone he seen about his situation and even became familiar with being famous. The newspapers finally found out his name, but he said it didn't change his school life. (Which he loved going back to.) Ned started to stay down and come over more often, getting extremely excited any time he did. Peter stopped taking his medicine and using his crutches. Life got better. For a while I wasn't sure if it would. But it did... I'm so glad it did...

Author's note-
This has been great for me to write, I've loved every second of it. If you have any requests to do, I'll gladly take them. I hope you enjoyed!- Blackwidowzs.

I'm writing a new book series, "Peter Parker whump shots"
Check it out if you enjoyed this!

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