Chapter 1.

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A/N: Hello and welcome to another BTS Mafia Fanfic. Just a little warning - this is an a BTS AU. No characters from these story are an actual representation of the members. All the characters are fictional and a fragment of my creation. Other than that, I hope you all have a great time reading this book.

"North wall, 12 o clock - Armed guard. No cover"

"Weapon information"

"Gun, short range. No Bulletproof vest"

"I am taking the aim. Give me a meter range"

"167 metres, 2 up and down"

"Got it"

I aimed the gun as I looked through the eye piece. Red laser pointed between his brows, I took my glove off as my fingers slowly crept to the trigger.

"Target locked. Firing in 3..2..1"

A small wave of smoke left the barrel filled with an ashy smell of gun powder as the bullet left it's source. On the other side, the man fell, the blood from his head tinting the white wall behind red.

"You never disappoint Y/N, great job", the man on the other side of my ear piece spoke.

Byun Baekhyun smiled to himself, taking a bite of his sandwich as he saw his accomplice take a man out. They were a team. Him and Y/N. It had been 4 years since they started working together as Secret agents for the Burea of Crime (BOC) in Seoul. 26 missions and numerous kills later, here they were together working on a mission again.

"Baekhyun, do you see where the kid is?"

"Give me a minute". "Y/N, she is inside the suite but I cannot get a full view of her. There is a blindspot for the cameras. But I do see a small hand, belonging to a child holding a doll. I am assuming they have tied her to the bed in the master bedroom"

"Assuming !! Baekhyun! We don't have the luxury to assume. One wrong move and they will kill the child"

"Its a gamble Y/N, you have to take the risk"

Something went inside me as I came up with an idea. "Baek, search the floor above me. Is it clear?"

"One minute". I heard the voice of keys going off in the back. "It is clear but why do you want to go on the floor above? The kidnappers and the kid both are on this floor"

"I don't have the time to explain, so watch me"

With that I made a run on the opposite side, above the stairs and towards the next floor. 7 doors, 7 rooms. Room no. 809, that should fall exactly above the room the kid is in.

I made my way there, using the master key that I had stolen as I swiped it through the door. I barged in to see a man sitting in, smoking a cigar.


"Sweet jesus, please forgive me". I rammed the back of my gun on his face as I watched him clutch his head and fall. "Sorry sir, the bureau will compensate you"

I ran to the window as I looked down on the streets of Seoul. I felt a little dizzy and nauseous as I looked down once again. Funny for a special service agent, I had the biggest fear of heights.

"Y/N, what the hell are you upto and why is there an unconscious civilian lying in room 809?"

"He saw me and I had to hit him. But we will compensate him. I just gave him a high five, in his face, with my gun"

"You bet your ass we are going to compensate him. Jaebum is going to be so pissed. But that is not the point. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CLIMBING THE WALL OF THE BALCONY?"

"I am trying to get a view of the room below me. This way I can make sure that the room I am infiltrating has the kid and it is not a dart in the blind"

I tied the rope to the door and again to the grill as the other end wrapped my waist. I closed my eyes. "For the love of jesus and this country"

I took the plunge, letting my body hang mid air as my legs tried to stick themselves to the window of the room.

"FUCK Y/N, what the hell"

I paid no attention to Baekhyun yelling at me through the other side as I climbed into the window of the room 709. Baekhyun was right. The girl was inside, chained to the bed, three big ass men guarding her.

I slowly made my way into the suite. The men were engrossed playing cards and drinking beer. The whimpers of the child crying were the only one heard in the whole room. I hid myself behind the curtain.

"shut up kid, stop crying", a bald men yelled as he threw the empty bottle of beer at the child. It hit the side of the bed and the glass cracked, making the child cry out even more in fear.

"Fuck", he yelled and before I knew it he was dashing towards her, an arm raised, ready to smack her in the face. I don't know what got into me, was it emotion or memories of a troubled past where something similar happened to me as I raised my gun and shot, hitting the man in the chest.

It took me only a second to realise what an absolute suicide it was as both the others came running towards me, knives in their hands. I came out of my hiding place, charging towards them as I hit one in the face and used him as a support to kick the other. I underestimated their fighting ability as both of them barged at me.

Midway into kicking their ass, one of them stabbed me in the shoulder with his blade making me lose balance and fall back. I grabbed the nearest thing I could find to defend myself as I smacked him in the head with a metal vase. The impact of it was so hard that the man clutched his bloodied head and fell.

The last one who saw this aimed his knife towards me as he dashed to me. I was locked in such a way that it was impossible for me to escape. My gun had fallen of the other side and I had no weapon on me. I braised myself to be hit until I heard a loud thud. I watched the man in front of me fall. Behind her the young girl stood, clutching a bottle of bear which she had picked up from the table and hit him with.

A 9 year old girl rescued me and I did not know if I should he happy about it or salty because it was my job to get her out of there safely.

I scurried towards her and she watched me in fear, not sure if I was going to harm her or help her.

"Madison, my name is Y/N. I am here to take you back to your family. Your father hired me"

She nodded, clutching the doll tightly in her hand.

"We have to get out of here. So, I want you to trust me okay"

She nodded once again. "Now get on my back"

She climbed on me, tightly wrapping her legs around my waist and hands around my neck. "Close your eyes and hold tightly. And absolutely don't look down. Okay?"

"Yes", she managed as we moved to the balcony. I grabbed the rope which I had tied as I pulled the both of us on the edge.

"Madison I am going to jump and get us down there. No matter what happens, don't let go of me"

I clutched the rope tightly as My legs left the edge and both of us were yanked mid air. We went down as I heard her yell in my ears. We landed straight on the lobby of the balcony, grabbing the attention of two servers as they looked at us, one of them dropping the glass of juice he was holding.

With Madison still on my back, I made a run for the exit to spot the familiar black van in the parking lot.

Baekhyun saw Y/N running towards him as he he immediately put his headphones down and ran to the wheel. The door opened and she sat in with the kid and In a moment all of them were out of there.

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