Chapter 16

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It was really a surprise for me when I was informed by Hyuna that I would accompany the boys to where they were going once again. After what happened with Yifan, I was affirmative they wouldn't take me out of the house.

So there I was being forced into the car once more as I got a familiar whiff of Yoongi's cologne beside me.

It was a bumpy ride and I couldn't specifically concentrate on my counting. I lost count of the seconds midway into it and then it was completely useless to start again.

The car raced on a bump and I almost found myself tumbling forward since I did not have anything to hold until someone put a protective hand in front of me to stop me.

I straightened myself and assuming it was Yoongi who helped, he immediately took his hand away.

We reached yet another club but this time It looked even more shadier and wild. There were people literally snorting cocaine lines on tables. I so wished I had my badge with me now and I could arrest all of them.

I was pushed to a space at the end of the club, Yoongi's hold on me tight. We reached a huge alley lit with red light which reeked of weed and cigarettes. The bitter smell of liquor filled the space and my eyes fell on one of the rooms in the alley where a man was on his knees, a gun placed to his head.

What the hell was this place?

We passed by that room and I heard a gunshot. That man was probably killed. I felt a pit in my stomach as we continued walking to the end where we were supposed to be. In a couple of rooms the noise of people having sex was heard and I heard Jimin make an inappropriate comment to Namjoon who just smirked.

Hoseok and Jin weren't with us on this one making me wonder where they were. When we reached the end of the alley, there was a huge room. We took a step in only to be greeted by a smirking Yifan who was sprawled on the couch, his men surrounding him.

He looked at me, a sly smile on his face. Yoongi's instructions were still fresh in my mind. I was not to do something that would risk his business. Hence I looked away.

He stood up and walked past Yoongi to me. Inspecting the bruise on my face from Jungkook slapping me, he spoke.

"Did you get punished for what you did the last time?"

I stayed silent, looking down. None of them stepped in to stop Yifan, not that I was expecting them to.

"Answer me, where is all that aggression now? Huh? Not in the mood to punch someone?", he took a jab at me. He pushed my shoulder with his finger and I took a step back, curling my fists in anger.

"Yifan", Yoongi's voice was heard. "We don't have the whole day. You wanted to discuss a truce for what happened last time and I am here"

"Of course Yoongi". I could hear the sarcasm in his voice as he sat on the couch while Yoongi sat on the one opposite.

"I just have one demand"

"Go on, I am listening"

"I want this girl"

He looked at me and my entire body froze in response. He wanted revenge on me and hence he was taking me by force. Of course Yoongi had nothing to lose by letting go of me. He would agree within the blink of an eye. I could only imagine what Yifan would do if he laid his hands on me.

I looked at Yoongi as my eyes met him, a pleading look in them to refuse. Even though Yoongi and Yifan were both sick criminals, I much rather stay with Yoongi any day. My blinked away the tears that were welling to form in my eyes. If Yifan took me, it would be the end of everything. The Bureau would lose lead on me and their chances of finding me again would be very low.

Yoongi looked at the girl who was almost begging him with her eyes to not let her go. She broke eye contact and he could see tears welling in her eyes.

"She is not a part of the deal. Ask for anything else, not her"

I felt a jolt of positiveness spring in me as Yoongi refused. Yifan clenched his jaw harder.

"Why not? She is aggressive , feisty and I am sure she must do good in bed. We are business partners Yoongi. I believe you must have had your time with her now share her with me. Can't wait till I fuck her so hard, she cannot even walk". Yoongi tightened his fists as he heard Yifan speak yet managed his cool not wanting to do something in haste.

"If there is anything else you want, I can think about it. But not her"

"It's her or we are over Yoongi", Yifan said, his voice threatening.

At this point Namjoon and Jimin were both looking shocked. This was their chance to get rid of that girl. Namjoon stood up as he headed to Yoongi, speaking something in his ear.

Yoongi's eyes grew cloudy before he stopped Namjoon abruptly.

"Then I think we are done. Good luck Yifan finding someone who is willing to buy your drugs"

With that he stood and all his men followed. Namjoon and Jimin looked so displeased as the later one eyed me in anger, his eyes telling me that it was all because of me.

"You walk out of here Yoongi, it will not end well for you"

Yoongi's gaze hardened as he walked upto Yifan . The later almost towered over him but he stood his ground as he spoke. "Watch me"

With that he walked towards me, grabbing my arm tightly before pulling me out of the room. I stumbled on my steps but followed him with the other men following behind.

We were back in the main part of the club when Yoongi handed me over to Jimin.

"I will be back, keep a watch on her"

"Where are you going Hyung? Are you going alone?"

"It's nothing Jimin, I will be back"

With that the raven haired man disappeared into the crowd. Jimin pulled my hand and I followed behind him. On my way, I slammed into two tall men. My eyes fell on his hand which was clearly holding a knife. He went in the same direction as Yoongi had disappeared.

You know when you get the feeling that something is not right and you become aware of your surroundings , more so if you are an agent like me. I looked at the front to see Jimin talking to a girl, more like flirting while his other hand gripped on my arm.

He did not even notice when I let myself loose from his hold and disappeared into the crowd, tracking the two men who headed the way Yoongi was.

I followed them as I reached a small room. Inside I could hear two people arguing loudly, one of them being Yoongi and the other I assumed was Yifan.

I heard a loud grunt and I peeped in to see Yoongi step back, his one hand on his stomach as he hit the wall behind.

Yifan had stabbed him in the stomach.

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