Chapter 9

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38 months before he died, my father was on a mission in south Asia where he had learnt something unusual. For their mission, they had been living in a secluded house at the foothills of the Himalayas.

He had seen one the men in his team bow to the sun when it rose in the morning, offering a little prayer. When he asked him why he did that, the man had said that from where he belonged, his people often prayed to the sun for a happy and prosperous life. But he did it because he was thankful that he was alive to see the sun rise everyday.

My father followed his footsteps and I followed my father's. Soon it became a tradition - the both of us every morning, bowing to the sun in our yard.

16 years later I still did it, paying a homage to his tradition. Despite not being able to move my leg, I still bent down as I put my forehead on the ground, tears rolling from my eyes as I prayed to the light that came in from the only window in the basement.

I prayed that I was alive today, prayed that I got out of here. I did not want to die in this dungeon, I wanted to live to serve my duty, to do what I did - protect good from the bad.

Yoongi watched as the woman bent down, a little prayer escaping her mouth.

"Praying to god to get you out of the devil's house, Yura-ssi?"

Hearing his voice, I looked up to see him leaning by the door in his night robes. I ignored him as I turned my gaze to the other side. He walked to me as he bent down looking at me. His hand reached my cheek and I flinched away, not wanting him to touch me. He took his fingers away and just when I thought he was not going to touch me again, he grabbed my hair, yanking me towards him.

"If I ask something, I expect to be answered. Were you praying?"


"Good, when you pray, till your fucking god that I don't find out something about you that I shouldn't. I am going to have mercy on you and give you one more chance to explain yourself. What were you doing at my club? Who hired you to come and mess around with our stuff? And more importantly who do you work for?"

His grip on my hair tightened when I did not say anything. He was so dangerously close to me, I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose. Yoongi looked at the woman in front of him. His eyes met hers and for a moment he felt like he knew her. Those eyes, they seemed a little too familiar for him.

One moment his gaze softened before he went back to having that cold demeanor. He pushed me back into the wall and my shoulder rammed against the concrete, making me wince in pain.

He left the room as fast as he came in and I want back to lying on the cold floor gazing at the ceiling above. The sun must have completely risen outside but only a little came in this dungeon. Hours passed by until my bladder gave up on me and I stood up with great effort to go to the small restroom that was in the end of the room. How considerate of them to consider that prisoners needed to do bodily functions too.

I headed to wash my hands, the chains clanking against one another as I rubbed the soap in between my palms. I splashed water on my face, feeling the cool sensation. After wiping my hands on the edge of my shirt, I went back into the room, sitting in one corner. They hadn't given me food ever since Jin came in and it had me wondering if I should ask for some?

A couple of hours later, the door opened again and in the light I could make out it was Jimin.

"Hey there princess, hanging in well?"

"Yup", I said sarcastically because I knew how irritated he got.

"Let's go, we have you a little visitor"

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