Chapter 3

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"I will end Jaebum, I am not even kidding. I will pull his guts out and hang them around my neck and dance to Gangnam style in the middle of the streets. I want to just... just fucking.... kill that man", I said clutching my fingers trying to portray my aggression.

Baekhyun's eyes widened as he listened to Y/N rant. He had to suppress a chuckle as he patted her back. "Maybe it is a sign you know, you have been working your ass off, maybe it is time you relax a little. You know, take up things that don't involve you jumping of buildings or getting stabbed"

I looked at him with such disgust, he immediately shut up.

"He fucking wants me to be an informant on weed sellers. He wants me to report about some 20 years old who are selling pot and getting stoned themselves and I don't know, maybe eating nachos after? Weed? Not even cocaine or heroine, not that it makes it any better - but weed ? He wants me to track some fucking grass sellers?"

"They are much dangerous than you think Y/N, don't worry it will be adventurous"

"It is going to be nothing Baekhyun, it is like having an oscar winning actor work as a junior artist". I growled, "I will kill him, I will fucking kill him"

"Who do you want to kill Miss Y/N? As far as I know the work you have been assigned is strictly no violence work"

Jaebum walked in with Jinyoung and I looked at him with so much anger. He smiled at me and I had to stop myself from picking up the chair beside me and throwing it at him. He motioned to Jinyoung who put a file in front of both me and Baek, giving us a warm smile which I somehow couldn't get myself to return.

"Now, listen up. Since the technician that was assigned to Y/N, had to leave because of an emergency, I am going to let Mr Byun here fill his shoes. But only for this mission - you both will be working together"

I glanced at Baekhyun and he was already smiling back at me like two best friends in a class who were paired on the same project.

"Now if you are done giggling and getting excited about it, we can move towards the actual task?". Jaebum was irritated, clicking his pen in annoyance as he gave us his signature 'clenched jaw' look.

"Stop flexing that jaw. You think you look angry and scary but you just look foolish". I couldn't stop myself and from behind us Jinyoung let out a giggle.

Jaebum licked his lower lip, his angry gaze still fixed at me. "Are you done? Can we move ahead?"

I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest and looked away.

"Club Cabana in Gangnam. This place is known for a lot of dealing in hash. Y/N, you will be going in tomorrow night because as per our intel, there is a large sale scheduled there tomorrow. Apparently a guy named Song Mino is hosting a bash there and for his party, he has ordered 3kg of Weed - almost worth 400,00,000 won. The dealer will personally come in to hand over the stuff and not send his minions. So, I want you to get us pictures of him and his men in the act, handing over the stuff to Mino"

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Why get pictures when you can get the man? 15 minutes until each one of them drops dead and I get their leader and the Mino guy out and at your feet"

"This man is just one of the dealers under the actual cartel. We need to get information on him to trace him back to the actual Mafia that provides for him"

"Tell me again why are we doing this? Isn't this the narcotic bureau's job I mean?", Baekhyun said not sure about how special field agents were chasing around small time dealers like this.

"This has gotten very dangerous for the Narcotic guys so we are stepping in. It is not just drugs anymore. They are resorting to murder and even kidnapping teenager girls and forcing them to act as transporters of packages".

I furrowed my eyebrows at this. I could be chasing some Russian Mafia of rescuing a reporter caught with the ISI in the middle east but here I was going to a club to see a man named Song Mino about to go off crazy on some pot.

"Y/N, you will be getting a new identity", Jaebum said looking through a file until he removed a paper and handed it to me.

"Yura Kim. 24, a criminal psychology student. She apparently left Korea three years ago to meet her father who lives in Italy but got kidnapped on her way there. She was forced into human trafficking and sold to dealers in Cuba. 2 years ago she caught an infection because of an STD and died. They disposed her body in the sea and since then it has never been recovered"

I carefully observed the face of the young girl who had a peppy smile on her face as she looked into the camera. Her soft bangs rested on her small forehead and I couldn't miss the little heart shaped freckle under her eye. She radiated innocence and I felt a little sad to see such a young and promising person lose their life so early.

"She will be your alias. Apparently she was friends with Mino when she was a child so it should be easy for you to pass of as her and meet him"

"Jaebum, do you even think before you do stuff?"

"What?", he asked looking up from going through something on the ipad that Jinyoung was holding.

"If she was friends with him, don't you think he would recognize her? Are you that dense?"

He smirked a little as he moved closer towards me. He supported his lower back on the desk I was sitting at, his legs placed towards me as he bent down.

"If we are going to send our 'best' field agent into the field", he spoke sarcastically before making commas in air with his fingers and stressing on the word best, "we make sure we do all research"

"Mino and Yura went to school together when they were 7 years old. After 2 years Mino was sent to Singapore by his wealthy parents and since then they have never had any contact. He doesn't remember her so when you go to the party tomorrow, you are going to pretend to recognize Mino and make sure he invites you to join you"

I looked on with my lips tightly shut as I took all this information.

"What if he doesn't invite me in?"

"Then you can expect to move all your staff to the same department as Mr Byun and help him file reports and evidences for the rest of your term here"

With that he stood up and left leaving me sitting there with my mouth hanging open.

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