Chapter Thirty

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Despite the fact that the party guests were informed that the fire alarm had simply been a drill, many didn't feel comfortable staying anymore. I understood why. Everyone was paranoid nowadays.

Which meant it wasn't as difficult as I'd been expecting to find a way the hell out of there. The one problem: we didn't exactly have a car.

I don't know how we got so lucky.

But somehow, Asten was able to convince a kind couple that we simply hadn't been planning to leave so early and, therefore, didn't have a ride. The two were more than happy to help. It was frustrating how they could be so kind. I had to remind myself who they worked for.

Even so, I was grateful for the ride. The couple merely dropped us off at the nearest dilapidated town that was still supposedly inhabited, and went off on their merry way, per Asten's request.

As I stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut behind me, I wondered if the couple had lied. This place looked completely dead.

We were standing on a frozen sidewalk with the skeletons of trees on both sides of it. Beyond that was a large brick building and a rusty playground. One of the swings swayed lightly in the slight breeze. It wasn't too particularly chilly. Well, it wasn't as cold as I was used to, despite it being the middle of the night.

Which also wasn't helping.

Honestly, just the vibe of the place sent chills down my spine. It was extremely difficult to see. I assumed nearly everyone in this town had to be asleep.

I looked at Asten in the dark, who merely stared ahead at the ancient elementary school. "So...what's the plan now?"

He just shook his head slowly. "If there are people in this town...they're probably locked up in their houses at this point and not particularly open to having guests."

"Good point."

"So...does this mean we're sleeping outside? Because I've only been camping once and it wasn't a fun time," Max interjected, wringing his hands nervously. The environment was obviously getting to him.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Wait...what about like...when the world ended and you couldn't just hole up inside your house? Didn't you sleep outside then?"

Max just let out a humph. "I said I've only  been camping once. There's a difference."  He hugged his arms over his chest. I remembered then that the three of us were still wearing our formal wear. Fortunately, I'd remembered to grab the bag containing Max's and my old clothes along with a few granola bars that would keep us alive for maybe a day.

"Okay. I'll go find us a place to set up. Maybe there will be shelter," Asten said, ignoring Max's comments entirely.

I nodded. "Just...scream something if you need help," I commented, a little nervous about being separated. I guess that was kind of implied.

Asten just smirked at that. "Of course."

I unzipped my backpack and pulled out both my clothes and Max's. Max nearly dropped his when I tossed it to him. "Change. Wearing that suit will only make running harder."

"Um...are we going to be running somewhere soon?"

I was beginning to wonder how Max had even survived this long. I gave him a long look and he seemed to understand my unspoken words. He began stripping off the suit, and I did the same.

"Sooo...," Max mumbled after a couple minutes of shuffling about and putting on new clothes. I didn't bother looking back at him in case he was still in the middle of getting changed. "You and Asten..."

I froze mid-putting a pant leg on. A blush crept up my neck. Oh god, I hoped he wouldn't say what I thought he would. "Yeah?" I asked, keeping my voice as even as possible.

"Are you like...a thing?"

I winced. The words reminded me of something January had asked a long while ago. "Ummm, no."

A playful note went into Max's next words. " you wanna be?"

Again, that blush just kept covering me and I tried not to think about what Max was insinuating. I wasn't like that was something I was constantly thinking about. It was hard to imagine being in a relationship when the world was crumbling around us. I just let out a soft sigh and finished pulling on and buttoning my pants.

"No," I stated, bluntly. Maybe a bit too blunt. I knew it wasn't totally true either. It was just the easier thing to say...

"You sure? Because...he is cute and all," Max teased. I finally turned to face him. He had his hands shoved in his pockets and a devilish smile on his round face.

I just rolled my eyes. "If you think he's so cute, why don't you date him?" I asked in response, smirking right back. I put my hands on my hips, trying not to be thrown off by all his questions. I was suddenly glad it was so dark and he couldn't tell how red I was.

"You know what. I may take you up on that offer. You could be the priest for our wedding," he replied, cornily.  I just shook my head and couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. What could I say? The conversation just felt so normal.

"Hey! I found something!" Asten's shout sounded like it had come from a bit away. When I looked in that direction, I could barely make out him waving his arms back and forth like a maniac to get our attention.

Max smiled at me. "Good luck with that whole 'not liking him' thing," he commented, patting me on the shoulder as he walked past towards where Asten was.

I closed my eyes, smiling to myself. As much as I wanted things to be normal...and as much as I wished things could be as simple as asking a guy out on a date...they wouldn't be.

But I couldn't help the feeling that maybe Max was onto something.

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