Chapter Thirty-One

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The air was cold against my skin. I closed my eyes and allowed it to brush my hair back from my cheeks.

I sucked in a deep breath.

Then, let it out.

Sometimes, it was hard to remember I was still alive. I was still breathing. Even though ninety-nine percent of my life had become survival mode, there was still that one percent of... what? I wasn't sure exactly.

I just knew that it had to be important.

I opened my eyes.

The sky was dark and cloudy, but didn't seem prone to another storm, thankfully. I stood just outside our new campsite, my back to where Max and Asten were attempting to re-ignite the fire. The night before had been surprisingly uneventful; whoever did live in these parts didn't seem to mind us camping out in the middle of the deserted town.

We'd ended up planting ourselves a little down the street from the elementary school, just beside a broken-down car. The car door had been left open, giving us a perfect shelter for our camping site. Despite the torn-up car seats and the rusty exterior, it was cozy enough.

It had required a bit of squishing and maybe getting kicked once or twice in the middle of the night, but I'd become used to that sort of thing.

"Hey...I'm going to go check out some of the vending machines for food," Max announced to the two of us. I turned around and nodded at him over my shoulder.

The night before, we'd briefly ventured into the elementary school to make sure there weren't any immediate threats. After doing a full scan of the place, we'd deemed it safe. Along the way, we'd been fortunate enough to come across a few things that were absolutely blessed: vending machines at various locations in the school, still stocked with chip bags and such. I didn't care that they were expired – you didn't pass up such an opportunity.

Max glanced at Asten, who also briefly inclined his head, not caring too much. Then, he pulled out his gun and tossed it to Max. Max's eyes widened.

"Just in case," Asten said, giving him a small smile.

Max nodded vigorously and shoved it into his back pocket. I really hoped he knew how to use one. I also was hoping the safety was currently on.

Max disappeared down the street. I watched him go, wondering when the slight fog had kicked in around us. I didn't mind. It was almost relaxing in a way.

The calm before the storm.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried not to think about that. It was true; everything could go to shit any second.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You know...I am really glad you found me. I'm sorry if I scared you," Asten mumbled.

I just nodded slightly. "I am, too. I just wish..."

Asten understood. He squeezed my shoulder lightly. "We'll get them back. I know we will."

I thought about January and Kyan and Elijah, alone, locked up somewhere. I thought about what the scientists at the Equator would do when they remembered who they were.

I shuddered.

We would get to them before that. We had to.

"You know what? I know something that'd make you feel better," Asten suddenly announced, an odd smile showing up on his face.

I raised my eyebrows at him in amusement. "What?"

Then, he pulled out something I hadn't seen in ages.

An iPod.

A literal, actual, iPod.

I shook my head, unable to contain my smile. "You have got to be kidding."

"What? It's real!"

"Where on Earth did you manage to find something like that?"

He just shrugged, and held it in the air with one hand, earbuds already attached. "I conjured it from the past with my magical powers." He wiggled his fingers at me.

I just rolled my eyes. "So, you stole it from the camp storage room?"

He just grinned, confirming my suspicion. "'s charged. Plus, it has good music."

"Like what?"

"You'll see," he muttered, and put one of the earbuds in his ear. He held the other out to me.

I accepted it and put it in, feeling nostalgia overwhelm me.

Then, he pressed play.

I let out an unexpected laugh as I recognized the song. It was something so old...something so reminiscent...

"Careless Whisper by George Michaels? How original...," I said, a grin on my face.

He swayed absentmindedly to the tune then held out a hand to me. "Care to dance?" he asked. His smile lit up his gray eyes.

I grabbed his hand and began swaying to the beat with him. I couldn't remember the last time I'd heard music like this. It was an entirely different experience...something I'd left behind when I'd left home.

Asten spun me around as the chorus hit and I let out a surprised laugh. He began lip syncing the words with his eyes closed, becoming lost in the music. I joined in, letting the melody take me away.

As the song came to an end, I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. I had no idea where they'd even come from. I just couldn't help but think of what I'd lost...what we'd all lost...

A single teardrop slipped out of the corner of my eye, as I opened them again and met Asten's gray stare. Concern washed over his features as he brushed away the tear from my cheek with his thumb. His hand remained on the side of my cheek...maybe a second too long. I felt heat creep up my neck and color my cheeks.

Despite this, he didn't bother moving We were so close...mere inches apart from each other. When had the distance between us become so small? I suddenly could feel my heartbeat pick up a bit, and I cursed it. What was wrong with me?

Hadn't I just been telling Max that there was nothing going on between us?

I...I should have pulled away. I should have gotten far away from anything like this...because there was no place for love in the apocalypse, but...

But he closed the distance.

His soft lips were upon mine, lightly pressing against my own before pulling away. He waited, his warm breath mingling with mine, asking for permission.

I shouldn't, a voice whispered in my head.

But sometimes, we do the things we shouldn't for all the right reasons.

My hands ran through his hair the taste of him filled my mouth. My heart came alive, my soul burning with a new fire that'd gone out months ago. I no longer felt the cold, no longer felt the dread or the worry or anything else.

I just felt him. His arms around my waist as he pressed against me. His breath against my lips. His heat, warming me deep inside, despite the light drizzle that was beginning to fall around us. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to remain in that fantasy a world where we were simply a boy and a girl...going on a date in the middle of January, excited for the end of the school year and whatever would follow...

He pulled away.

I tried catching my breath as I realized the earbud had fallen from my ear at some point. I smiled up at him and he smiled back.

Maybe the world sucked...but maybe there was room for something other than survival.

Maybe...there was room for trust.

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