Chapter Thirty-Three

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We were taken into the brick building.

It wasn't just any building - it was an old middle school. A faded sign reading "Fairview Valley Middle School" had been vandalized out front. As I was shoved over the threshold through smashed glass doors, I wondered if these kids, whoever they were, had gone here.

"Keep moving goddamnit," growled the deeper voiced boy from before. I glanced behind me to see Asten dragging his feet as he was escorted by the fourteen-year-old girl and the boy who'd been holding me. Now that he didn't have me in a death grip, I was able to see his features - he definitely was older than a middle schooler with a sharp jawline, slicked back brown hair and threatening dark eyes.

I did not trust him.

I did not trust any of them, even if they didn't seem to be working with the Equator.

Moreover, we really needed to get the hell out so we could get back to rescuing January and Kyan and Elijah...

God, we were so screwed.

A boy who looked barely twelve poked me forward with a goddamn machine gun. I prayed he'd never actually used that thing.

He was way too young to be mentally scarred.

We were lead all the way into a dank gym. Mold covered the white brick walls with two dilapidated basketball hoops on either side of it. The once smooth and shiny floor was scuffed and covered in dark stains. As I was pushed forward into the center of the gym, I took in the crowd of at least thirty middle school and high school age kids sitting on a bleacher.

I felt like I'd just stepped back in time to a high school pep rally. Except with a lot more dirt, blood, and stink.

The little  12-year-old shoved the machine gun into my back so hard I fell to my knees. At my side, Asten and Max were pushed downwards, too.

"Welcome all. We are summoned today to discuss our most recent perpetrators," said the dark-haired boy who definitely ran this place.

Perpetrator. They were acting as though we'd killed someone. Sure, stepping on their property or whatever probably wasn't the best idea, but it wasn't like we'd actually harmed any of them.

"These three stepped onto our property just minutes ago, not seeming to care that they do not belong or have any right here. Despite not having the sign of the Equator, they do not seem like they should be deemed trustworthy."

I glanced at Asten and found his gaze meet mine. This was already going horribly.

"And as per custom, due to the threat that there could be unforeseen consequences if we let them go, we will plan a trial set for sunrise a week from now. You all may go about your business."

I think my jaw dropped.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, a week? What the hell?" I commented, unable to hold it back as the rest of the kids in the stands wandered off. The dark-haired boy met my gaze, his eyes unyielding.

"I don't remember you having any power or say in the matter," he replied.

I stood up, not caring that there was still a 12-year-old with a machine gun behind me. Honestly, he preached about protecting against threats but here he was barely restraining us before claiming we were going to be imprisoned for a week. I was seconds away from punching him in the face.

"I don't know what this whole justice system facade is, but we're really on a tight schedule and don't have time for this." I glared him down. I could feel Asten holding a smile back at my side.

Because really, this had to be a joke. We hadn't risked our lives so many times just to be delayed by a bunch of middle schoolers.

"You don't have time for this? Very well, I can change it to two weeks if you please." He smirked devilishly at me as though he'd won.

I didn't want to resort to violence, but seeing as this wasn't getting us anywhere...

"Look, all I'm saying is, if you don't just let us leave peacefully, we'll have to find another means of getting out of here. And I doubt you'll appreciate that."

The dark-haired boy was completely unfazed. "Okay, go ahead and try."

I blinked. Was it really going to be this easy? Maybe I was underestimating the power this group had...

But seriously, a bunch of kids with guns? I definitely felt like I could outrun that.

Before he could prepare himself, I sprinted as fast as I could straight towards the open door of the gym.

And found myself faceplanting the ground.

Asten called out my name as I groaned and pushed myself up into a sitting position. I gripped my now bleeding noise and stared at what I'd just run into.


There was nothing.

The dark-haired boy chuckled.

I stared and put a hand out again. My hand spread flat across the air, an invisible wall blocking the way. What on Earth?

How'd we even get through this in the first place? Was this glass? had to be newer technology. Something I'd never even seen before.

"Told you. Sunrise in two weeks, then. And maybe, just maybe, we'll deem you innocent enough to be let out."

With that, the dark-haired boy walked out the gym door, slamming it shut behind him.

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