Chapter 4

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"Okay, so just sign and initial here, and then you're all set to go! I'll be back in a sec to grab the papers." the overly-happy nurse told me, before bouncing off to do whatever it was she needed to.

Somebody was a bit too...chipper in the morning.

I mentally scolded myself, just because I was in a terrible mood and probably would be for the rest of all time, that didn't mean I needed to think negatively about everybody else because they were happy.

They deserved to be happy. Their lives didn't totally suck like mine did. At least they could freaking talk. And laugh. And be normal people....

I signed and initialed in the marked places, settling the clipboard against my knees as I perched on the edge of the uncomfortable hospital bed, grateful I was finally able to be out of this dreadful place.

"Are you ready for your date with Niiiiiiiiiall?" Janelle sang teasingly, gently nudging my leg with her fingers.

I rolled my eyes, but my face flushed in a blush.

"It's not a date." I typed into my cell phone, before handing it over to her.

She rolled her eyes at that.

"Well, it certainly seems like it. Where is he taking you anyway?"

I shrugged.

Shortly after the guys had left last night, Niall had texted me, asking if he could pick me up from the hospital and we could hang out; just us.

After much convincing, my mother allowed it, so I texted Janelle telling her that Niall had asked me to hang out. She immediately went into "freak-out" mode and told me she was coming over before I got discharged to "pretty me up" for our "date''.

So, sure enough, first thing this morning, she had come into my room, armed with shower supplies, clothes, and makeup, practically throwing me into the shower, and mumbling about "me not being able to argue was a good thing"

I showered faster than I thought humanly possible and had let Janelle set to work once I was finished.

The end result was a gorgeous light natural looking makeup, with a coral lipstick, long full thick lashes, she had plucked my eyebrows a bit since I hadn't done them in the time I had been in the hospital, and hadn't had time to do them. She had me wearing just a simple loose light pink tank top, with a gray cropped sleeve blazer, and a pair of white denim shorts. On my feet I had a pair of gray heels, cute and classy. IF I had...had my voice. I could totally picture myself looking "date-worthy". And the day with Niall could have been like...perfect...She had also curled my reddish-tinted hair into loose waves the hung neatly around my shoulders.

"Eeee! You look so cute!" Janelle squealed as she applied a last sweep of gloss across my lips.

I rolled my eyes at her, but smiled widely. Janelle was quite excellent at distracting me from things I didn't want to think about.

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