7: Games are dangerous

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I smirk as I chant for Diego to eat the rest of the hot dogs before Alex.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be cheering for me?!" Alex coughs and starts stuffing his face again.

"Do I look like I care?" I laugh, holding the camera steady.

Alex finishes first while Diego is still scarfing down 3 hot dogs.

"Good job I knew you would win" I smile innocently.

He rolls his eyes and throws me over his shoulder, "I'm gonna teach you a lesson for that"

I hit and kick him multiple times but he doesn't budge. I sigh and give up, to lazy to give a fight.

Alex stops, "You're not going to fight back?"

"You know good and we'll I'm too lazy for that shit"

He chuckles, "Movie night?"

A smile graces my lips, "Movie night"


"Okay, let's play a game" Alex plops down onto the couch with a box of pizza.

His hair falls in his face and I brush it back, "I thought we were watching a movie?"

He grins at me, "To watch the movie you have to play the game"

I groan, "Fine, what's the game about?" I ask, taking up a handful of popcorn.

"Okay there are two categories for movies to watch." Alex starts and I nod my head, telling him to go on.

"The first category is Marvel the second one is DC. I'm going to say different types of movies and you have to match them with the correct category, every time you get a question wrong you take off a piece of you're clothing. " he smirks.

I roll my eyes, "You're disgusting and this game is stupid...I'm in!" I smile.

He laughs at me and starts the game, "Batman vs. Superman"

"DC" I reply quickly.

"Coooorecttt" Alex strings out, he throws a popcorn up into the air and it lands in my mouth.

I laugh, "Okay, next one"

"Captain America civil war"

"Marvel" I grab a coke and drink it down, "Too easy"

"Okay, Aquaman"

I choke, "Marvel?"

"Nope" he smirks.

My eyes widen.

I'm sure as hell not taking off my shirt or pants.

Then an idea pops into my head, I reach down and take off my socks.

Alex's jaw drops, "Yeah you horny bastard, you thought you were so smart"

He rolls his eyes, "Let's just get on with the game"

"Justi-" I put a hand over his mouth before he can say anything else.

"I don't play by rules, therefore, it's now my turn"

"Okay..?" He responds, his voice muffled.

"Justice league"

He throws his head back, "You know I was about to say that"

"Oh well" I smile.

He lifts his head back up, "DC"

"You got lucky"

"Nah, I got me" he smirks, tapping his head like an idiot.

"Can your ego get any bigger?"

Looking at me with a grin, he leans back, "If you want it to"

I roll my eyes and get on with the game, "Man of steel"

"Marvel!" He answers quickly, then realizes that he got it wrong, "No, wait DC"

"Too late" I grin, "Come on lover boy I don't got all day"

He mocks me while taking off his shirt, "CoMe On LoVeR BoY I DoN't GoT AlL dAy"

I slap his chest, laughing, "Shut up"

He pulls my hand and I land on top of him, completely aware that he is shirtless.

My laughing stops and I look into his eyes, something I can't put my finger on flickers behind them.

Our lips brush against each other, "Stace" he sucks in a breath.

Just when I'm about to answer the front door opens. I scramble off of Alex and reposition myself in the couch. He groans and runs a hand through his hair.

Soon Leslie is in sight, "Hey Stacey, do you have any..." her eyes drift to the shirtless Alex beside me, "....chips"

Why the hell would you need chips??

Her eyes widen but her surprised face immediately turns into a smirk, "I'll leave you two alone"

I shake my head rapidly in her direction but she just turns around and walks right back out the door. I look down at my lap but before I do I see a bulge in Alex's pants.

My eyes grow wide. Ah shit.


Hope you liked this chapter and I'm sorry if it was short
I just wanted to post as soon as I could


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