(17) No regrets...

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I guess I am brave enough to tell you once how I feel but not really... twice...

I... I want to ask you if you like someone else... do you? Do you like the girl I see you talking to most of the time? Are you only good friends?

Should I tell you that after the time I told you I had a crush on you... should I say I still do?

Dear one-sided Cru... Love,

I still love you... I don't want to know your answer... and if you ask me why I like you.. I honestly don't know... but I know you have something that no one else has... please don't say you don't like me back... just stay with the three words I'm about to say and don't forget them...

Don't forget:
You were not my first crush...

You WERE my first LOVE...


***I don't want to regret never telling you any of this so maybe... just maybe... at some point I'll tell you to read this... or I'll just tell you directly what I've been willing to say for so long...

And I know that I would never regret saying I loved and love you with all my heart since three years ago... (three and a half actually)***

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