if anyone cares

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Hey everyone Night here. I wanted to let you all know, if I don't update for awhile it's because I been bummed out. I feel like I'm being replaced and ignored. No one listens to me. Even if I try no one listens. Its like everyone I use to talk to don't want to talk to me anymore. But that's not the main reason I been upset. I been upset because it will be 2 years at the end of this month since my dad died. I hate to say it but I do miss him and things aren't the same. Maybe I wouldn't be so sad if I had someone to talk to about it. I don't want to talk to my mom because she makes a big deal out of everything (she's a good person . it's just hard to talk about my feelings to her. I feel like she does understand.) This is something I rather not talk about with my family. I don't have anyone to talk to because no one wants to talk to me or listen to me.   I'm sorry for bothering everyone on here.

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