Solangelo- The Relization

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I sat alone in my cabin. Waiting for capture the flag to start.  I was so tired, but I wanted to play tonight, I was against the Ares cabin, that was a fun game.

I yawned and checked my watch. Fifteen minutes until Capture The Flag. Perfect, I thought. Enough time for a small power nap.

I yawned again as I laid my head down on my soft grey pillow. It felt sooooo good.

- Will-

" Fifteen minutes until capture the flag!" Elaine one of my half sisters shouted out.

I looked around. There were only three patients in the infirmary.

Travis Stoll, he would be released in the morning. Really, he was only here because he made a stupid accident with a bow in his training.

Alice Kingsley, a girl from the Demeter Cabin, Who Travis also took out.  ( He got a big earful from Katie for that one. )

And Joshua, a new kid who had run into a monster on his way here. He had just barely made it in, and he would be with us in the infirmary for the next few days at least.

I was busy cleaning up when Elaine called out to me. " Will it's time to go!" She yelled.              " Someone needs to stay behind and watch Joshua."

" I will." I said to her. " You guys go on now. I'll meet you back at our cabin after camp fire."

There were only ten minutes into capture the flag and there was nothing else to be done.

I stood up, bored, and checked all Joshua's vitals. He was all good. Still passed out, but otherwise good.

I decided it wouldn't be bad for me to take a walk around camp. Nothing else to do. You weren't allowed to enter the games late.

I was walking by Cabin 13 when I heard noise. It was near silent sobs. But because of my dad.       ( Apollo) My ears we're extra sensitive. As we're a few of my siblings.

I walked up to Nico Di Angelo's  door. It was open just a crack. I knocked, the door swinging open as I did.

"Nico?" I called.

I heard more sobs.

I pushed the door open all the way, identifying a body that had to be Nico in a bunk over in the corner.

" Nico!" I yelled, worried as I rushed over.

I tried shaking him but he didn't respond. It took me only a few seconds to figure out that he was asleep.

I shook him again. Calling out, " Nico! Wake up! Nico!"

Nico wouldn't wake up. Silent tears streaming down his face. He was shaking. He looked broken.

And then, a little part of me broke. I couldn't bear to see this any more. It was awful.

I took a breath, muttered " Sorry Nico" and slapped him.

Nico jerked up, awake. I sagged, I was so relived. And then I realized, I liked him, like like liked him. A lot.

Obviously I had noticed him before: I had liked him. But, now I had seen another side of him, and it made my crush a little all consuming at the moment.

I looked up, Nico looking down at me. Shock on his face.

- Nico-

I jerked awake, my cheek felt raw.

I out my hand up to my cheek, it stung faintly, and that's when I noticed the son of Apollo, Will, sitting on the ground next to me.

" Will" I said carefully. " What are you doing here?"

Hey guys! Just to let you know, anything bolded is just me talking, no story.
This is my first story so let me know how it's going, sorry if it was to long or anything. Comment if I misspell a word or if my grammar's off so I can fix it thanks!

OH! Also! Sometimes when I'm typing too fast I press J instead of I on accident.  I've done it twice just in the bolder and had to delete that. Just comment and let me know please so I can fix it. Usually I catch it but sometime I don't.

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