The second,and third and fourth kiss

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- Will-

I walked to the bonfire, hoping to see Nico.

I spotted him but he was already sitting with some of his friends Percy and Annabeth and ... Grover, that was his name. He was back from some exposition for a short while. Apparently him and Percy were good friends.

Nico looked up as I walked over.

I passed by him, secretly placing my hand on his shoulder, only for a second so no one could see, before going to sit with my siblings.

Bonfire went too slow, finally, people started to leave.

Chiron stood up.  " We've finished a little early today." He said. No way, I thought.  " you've got a full forty minutes before curfew,"

With that Chiron bounded towards the big house.

My siblings and I got up. I walked with them until we were just a yard or two away from our cabin. Some of them were gone, with friends or girlfriends or boyfriends until curfew.

I stopped. " Oh," I said " I forgot something at the bonfire I'll be right back."

Sam and Donny nodded at me, not really caring where I went.

I jogged back in the direction of the campfire, but veered off to the woods instead.

I approached the small circle of trees near the creak where I had told Nico to meat me.He was there, sitting leaning up against a tree.I grinned coming forward.

" Will" Nico hopped up and I laughed while he blushed a deep shade of red.

I jerked my head. " Let's go."

- Nico-

" Go where?" I asked. There were a whole ton of places in this camp, the woods, the beach, the strawberry fields, the cabins, and few other places like half blood hill and such.

Will just smiled. " It's a surprise."

" I don't like surprises."  I countered.

Will just walked forward.  " You'll like this one."

Will lead me over to a cave.  " A cave?" I asked. " Are you planning on murdering me and leaving my remains here?" I asked.

Will stopped and turned around. "Why are you always so morbid?"

I was in the middle of a sarcastic explanation about being a son of Hades when he kissed me."

The kiss was sweet, and wills lips were soft. We finally broke apart, " It's rude to interrupt" I whispered and Will laughed and turned away. He knocked on the stone.

Sixteen times

A slab of rock slid over and I was looking at a well lit cave.

I stared, there was a bed, an old table and a few chairs, there was books stacked around.

I walked in after Will. " What is this place?"

Will turned. " My personal hideout."

I smiled and walked around. I leaned down to look at a stack of books. Medical mostly, but there were a few others, The Hunger Games, Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children, and some on geography that looked boring.

I stood and turned back around, he liked Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children, I loved that book, it was different than my usual horror novels; but I liked it.

I was greeted by Wills lips pushing against mine, I was still for a moment, surprised, Will started to move away from me, oh no.

I followed Will, our lips still locked together. Will smiled as I kissed back. I bit his lip and he groaned.

I laughed, pulling away. Will growled. He pushed me against the wall of the cave and kissed me, I kissed back, the kiss hadn't been at all like the first, this one was full of hunger and lust. I wanted Will Solace.

Will licked my bottom lip, asking for access. Tentatively, I let Will in.

Wills tongue brushed against mine as he explored.

It happened so fast I didn't even know what I was doing until it was done.

I groaned and used of my whopping 127 pounds to flip us so Will was against the wall and I was leaning up to him. We never broke the kiss.

I wanted Will Solace so bad.

Slowly I broke the kiss, Will made a sound of protest and I silenced him by gently nudging his chin up.

I was terrified, breaking the kiss had given me too much time to think. But, I wanted Will Solace. I would allow myself to have just this one thing. Him.

I kissed Will's neck, his breath came harder as I worked my way down and slowly he stopped me only for a moment, he fingered my shirt,

I nodded, silent confirmation in my eyes and  Will ripped my shirt off me.

I took only a moment to rid Will of his and I went back to kissing.

Will's breath got harder and harder as I kissed him. I moved lower, reaching the top of his chest. I kissed hard and Will let out a low groan.

I pulled up for a moment, smiling, before kissing him again, lower. Will groaned, loader and longer. His moan was interrupted by the warning  gong for curfew. We had five minutes.

- Will-

I pulled away from Nico and he made a small sound of protest.

" Come on." I said.

I looked at Nico, his lips were swollen from kissing, his hair tousled from where I had run it and he still didn't have a shirt on.

This boy. I wondered. What did I do to get him?

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