The Note

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- Nico-

I was at lunch talking to Annabeth and Percy in hushed whispers about my kiss with Will. I was practically bursting when I had seen them.

Honestly, I probably would have told Clarisse if she had showed up I was so happy.

I was talking about Will' ms smile as he cleared his throat Behind me.

My cheeks turned a dark shade of red and Percy couldn't stop himself from laughing outright. 

I glared, and Annabeth couldn't seem to help from letting out a soft laugh.

I turned around and looked up, acknowledging Will.

He sat down next to me. " Hey Sunshine"

I flushed a more violent shade of red as Percy laughed.

I turned to Annabeth, ignoring Will.  " So you made designs for all of the Gods new thrones?"

Annabeth nodded. " I made the whole plan, I showed it to them all too, obviously making sure they were okay with the designs."

Percy turned, smiling at his girlfriend.

Annabeth continued " Aphrodite refused the first six designs. SIX!"

I laughed. " She would be the one."

" Oh she was nothing compared to Hera. She still hates me so she made me redue her designs more than fourteen times! It's a Miracle I didn't run out of ideas, finally she settled on my fith design..."

Annabeth kept taking but I wasn't listening as a piece of paper slipped into my hand.

Annabeth seemed to have finished her sentence and Will cut in before anyone else could talk.

" I should be going but it was good to see you guys." Will stood up. " Good going on the project Annabeth." He said before waking off.

Paper, paper, I thought. Probably a note, what did it say?!!?!???!!?

I couldn't leave then, Percy and Annabeth would get suspicious. Knowing Percy he would probably make a scene.

I discreetly ticked the paper into the front pocket of my sweatshirt. I would slip away to my cabin later and read it.

327 words yay!!!!

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