The Infurmary crisis

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- Will-

I heard the shouts. The hellhounds has gotten through into camp.

The infirmary was filling up fast. Any time someone came in I panicked thinking it could be Nico.

Luckily my panic was cured up pretty fast. Nobody wore as much black as Nico did. He would be easy to pick out in this crowd.

Gashes in the leg, arm, stomach.

One person had gotten impaled on another's spear.

I did my best. Always trying to make them feel more comfortable. More relaxed. I shouted out orders to my siblings. " Get gauze! Samantha patch up this leg! Ambrosia over here!" All while I was patching up somebody else.

I was in a trance. Like a zombie except I was moving much faster. Until one word. " Nico"

I spun. Someone had called out his name.         

 " Nico where?"  I asked, yelling to be heard.

" Here!" Samantha called. " Headed to private room E!"

I rushed into the room. Two of my siblings were already there. " Samantha you've been here for hours go get some rest. Donny go to Maria in Private room B nobody's been there in a while."

And then I saw Nico.

He was half transparent with at least a dozen good gashes that were bleeding. I reached out to touch his arm. My hand passed right through. I'd never have a chance with him if he died!

Donny was already gone. Samantha hadn't left yet. " Sam, I said turning to her. Go home and rest."

Slowly, she followed my order. I could tell she didn't like it but right now I had bigger problems. Like Nico.

I worked furiously. Cursing him as I went. Somewhere in my frenzy someone came in and told me what must have happened. He had shadow tracked them away.

I shushed the person and told them to leave after that. I didn't need to know anything else. The idiot. The IDIOT! THE IDIOT!

I wept as I worked. The tears blurring my vision and I pushed them away. There wasn't a hole lot I could do while he was in ghosty form. But anytime he got even a little bit solid in a place I would check and make sure that there was no wounds there. And if there's were, I would clean them, bandage them, and hope that there weren't any more.

There were always more.

Part of Nico's chest solidified and I took off his shirt.  A big gash went from the top of the left side of his chest to the bottom on the right. There were four deep lines. It must be where one of the hellhounds scratched him.

As I was working the rest if Nico solidifies and I fed him some ambrosia. But I wasn't done with his chest.

" Will?" I heard.

My head snapped up to look at Nico.

" You're glowing." He said. His words slurring a bit.

I blushed and hoped that he was too groggy to notice.

Nico closed his eyes again.

" I guess your my death gift."

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